Nicholas Peters

Who the fuck even are you people???

why do stupid racist people keep posting racist rantings on their social media? Haven’t they learned that everyone watches others’ social media closely?

Well it’s about damn time. May more wake up to the fact that the lesser of two evils is still evil. That the corporate press won’t give you real and useful information, as it only serves its owners profit motives. And wake up to see that politics do not need to be party based, it can and should be values and issue

Fantastic line from the SBNation version of this story.

Why do you single out simulated sex as somehow worse than all the other things people do for work even when they’d rather not? There are parts of my job I downright hate, I consider them demoralizing, insulting, and unnecessary to company business, and whether I do those things is determined by my boss. Don’t get me

“Knowledge is knowing that tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is knowing it shouldn’t go in a fruit salad.”

Batman is only ever pretending to be Bruce Wayne. There is no discussion.

The real question is, is this going to be the start of the Nintendo Cinematic Universe?

I have never considered making a slow motion, sepia toned video of me crossing over a fat kid before. Now I know that my life is incomplete without one.


How sillier can it get from this shitshow?

This doesn’t even mention the fans singing “We’re fucking shit” and LVG agreeing with them after the match

He's being given the Kardashian Retreat Treatment (KRT, trademarked). Step 1: Find vunerable black man. Step 2: Drive him mad or towards drugs. Step 3: Watch implosion and act like concerned wife/concubine/underage sidepiece.

Kanye West has always been eccentric- to say the least- but the past week makes me genuinely wonder if he’s having a serious breakdown of some sort.

But what if he makes an even better catch in the NFL? He won’t have any room for it!

“Coaches come and go.”

One thing I appreciate about Alex Jones conspiracy theories is that they are really mere seeds that, when planted in the minds of his fans and followers, inspire even crazier conspiracy theories.

I’m so confused. She’s wearing ski boots. Who is the dummy who thought ski boots were a good sub for astronaut boots...?

The most important inspiration.