Nick Overmyer

Just a USB port


Blah blah Ishmael reference

I had a pit bull who would do this. whenever there were any scenes involving fighting or fisticuffs she would get all riled up and try to break it up. If a main character was shown getting thrashed she'd whine and cry

I dunno man, I've come across many a thread that after a few initial bits of lingual exchange soon become a nonstop stream of image macros. Who's to say we all won't end up speaking in memes in the future? *shatters nearby window, dives out*

I'm a substitute. I literally just got done telling a class full of seventh graders how these things will be so over by next school year, just like pogs when I was their age. "What are pogs?" one girl asked. "Exactly!" I said

My first thought was, how is this not already an Austin Powers line? Like, he did three of those movies without uttering this? No desire to check, but I find it pretty incredible

It feels like they're going for a kind of George Miller thing with the scavengers, but not enough time has passed since the fall of civilization for that to work…it totally comes off as silly imo

Inapt, as Linda Perry of the 4NB actually went on to write a prodigious number of mainstream hits for various artists, making her richer than we'll ever be. It would be like if it turned out Boll made these horrendous films, but then when on to write, shit i dunno, all the Pixar movies of the last fifteen years

On the morning he passed, I read the news off my phone after just getting to work. I solemnly told my co-worker, at which point the two of us launched into riffing every single line of his from Aliens. Between the two of us, every single line from the moment he steps out of the pod until the moment he's pulled through

There's a blind shoe-shine kid in the Quick and the Dead, who was my neighborhood bully as a kid. I fucking hated that kid, and when he went around telling everyone he was going to be in the movies, I never believed him.

Lou Gossett Jr. in Enemy Mine

If I recall correctly, his version of "releasing" said tracks amounted to livestreaming his own shit-eating grin on election night while bits of a few tracks played in the background

…heavy sigh…

Flags half-staff in San Antonio

The way 2016's gone so far I wouldn't count too much against something even as ghastly and offensive as that happening. And it will be a Christmas album to boot

Is this better, worse, or equal to the day that Kai the Homefree Hero went and tatted his face all to hell?

Well that's fair I guess. But most if not all of the arguments I've personally seen put forth on this particular critique of the movie seem to insinuate that this was the film's true, concerted, embedded message, as opposed to how you characterize it. Like the guy who created King of the Hill is like actually this

I get your point, for the most part, but where I get off is that last bit—- "one that isn't necessarily satirical". That's such an undeniably subjective statement. We can suppose all we want about the intentions of the author, but that's all it is. Until someone puts the question to Judge and Cohen and they themselves

I read that piece on Salon, too, but I'm not about to agree with it for a second. Like I also, and maybe I could be totally wrong on this, but I also do not think Jonathan Swift was making a pro-cannibalism argument in his stuff, either.