Nick Overmyer

Carl's Jr. Fuck you, I'm eating!

when the entourage consists of a cadre of hard-wired, spiral-eyed Sea Org members, it makes the scene even more poignant

They basically did that on Lost, for that was worth, with the John Locke character.

Going Clear is great, but in the grand collection of such works, it's number two. Russel Miller's Barefaced Messiah is at the top of the heap. Going Clear almost reads as a second volume to this book. It's good stuff.

Being from central Texas, I can attest to the show's pinpoint accuracy with the characters. I would tell out-of-state folks that it's easily the most dead-on depiction of people I've known or grown up with, that was ever on TV

I realize this is all very tongue in cheek and whatnot, but some of these are actually kinda good pitches…like I would totally be psyched for about half of these if they came out as genuine projects. Reservoir Droids? One fuckin' ticket sold, right here.


A little over a decade ago some friends and I went to Lollapalooza where his shitty band played the second stage. He came out dressed in white cheesecloth rags a la Marilyn Manson circa '96 and had an 'x' scrawled across his forehead. My friends and I began screaming "PLAY SOME FROZEN EMBRYOS!!! FROOOOZEN

Seconded. I read it as scattered issues as a kid, and recently bought the hardback collection when all that EU stuff when on fire sale. Enjoyed it a lot; great art, great designs, felt right to me. That full page, single-panel reveal of Boba Fett, saying "The Sarlaac found me somewhat indigestible, Solo…" still gives

Gunpowder Plot with a xeno egg, baby

Does anyone remember "Woops!" from around this same time period?

An honorable mention for Knoc Turn'Al's "The Knoc" which, while definitely a composite of probably a zillion takes, was edited to resemble a single take, with Knoc featured as every single patron of a greasy-spoon type diner. Every iteration of him is an entirely different character, some of them even filmed at

Well that's a shame. I have a TPB laying around somewhere, called "First Family"…I wonder why they didn't just adapt this thing into the movie. It skips over the space-travel sequence entirely and tells the story of what happened immediately after their little escape pod thing crash lands, and they're already powered

That zero-g Klingon slaughter scene was fucking priceless


You seem to know your shit way better than me, but weren't a handful of the Marvel characters in the Sixties like totems in the hippie/counter-culture movement? I seem to remember this being mentioned or brought up in multiple places over the years; Spider-man and Hulk being two of the characters made into icons on

These are really fucking cool btw

I always loved Iron Bar. So feckless, yet so unkillable. He had this Wile E. Coyote thing about him that I loved.

This is something that actually surprised me to see; it seems they must have received a lot of input from people this last time around to drop the whole Frank Frazetta look, especially regarding the female characters. I can tell you they absolutely toned it down. The costumes are for the most part, practical and

Why/How is Futurama's "Jurassic Bark" not on this list?!