This can be accomplished easily, fatalities are only 99¢
Basement-dwelling virgin subculture needed some way to empower itself, and I guess that way was sending terrorist threats to women for talking about video games. It would be good for a laugh if not for the lives it’s ruined.
I fail to see how it’s meaningfully different than what you see in traditional media outlets. Of course, your opinion may be that all video game coverage is garbage, Kotaku included, but we’ll just have to disagree there. Just because YouTube is full of low-quality stuff doesn’t mean there aren’t people doing really…
I’d still be suspicious. What if the Russians discover a Russian-speaking minority on the other side of the station?
If you want to add to your Amiibo collection, Target's taking 25% off every model they have in stock. Some are…
What a pompous prick. This guy embodies everything that's wrong with the gaming community. Instead of defending harassed gamers, he opts to blame them instead. Oh, the world we live in.
I prefer a genuine experience. That is worth something to me.
I take great pride in the fact that my PS2 is in fantastic, working condition after all these years. I have so many gaming memories that came from that generation... not only is it my favorite, not only do I own more PS2 games than titles for any other system, but if I was sent to an island to live out the rest of my…
don't trade you're consoles in. Keep them for posterity.
Which gets us to the crux of this story: as usual, this sequence of events is far more convoluted and nuanced than Pinsof and various GamerGaters have suggested. To sum up the story of Fez's development as a tale of good vs. evil—the type of rudimentary sorting that GamerGaters have been so attracted to over the past…
I wish he rebuilt Jak & Daxter. I like platformers. The sequels became shooters and vehicled based.
Not enough people appreciate the awesomeness that is Vanquish. My only grip with the game was that it was to short. I keep hoping it will get a sequel one day, especially considering how it ended. A sequel to this game makes more since than a sequel to Bayonetta plot wise (not that i didn't like Bayo 2).
I got the copper one and it hurt so damn bad being inserted, I was sweating, seeing spots and banging my hand on the wall trying not too scream. They didn't give me anything to soften my cervix though which would have been a nice freaking option. THEN, a year and a half later, the string went bye-bye and the IUD…
Seeing as I have a pile of shame for the 360 and PS3, I think I was smart to hold off buying a next gen machine. I have : Bioshock Infinite, Xcom Enemy Within, Titanfall, Metal Gear Rising, Valkyria Chronicles, Journey and most of Wipeout HD left to beat. That should keep me busy for awhile.
If you use YouTube much, or if you're someone that makes videos, then you're already familiar with one of the fundamental ways YouTube is broken: it doesn't always show people the latest uploads, even if they're subscribed to someone.
The kid looked it all up on the Internet and was also playing current games online. Played his dad for a fool.
Look, frankly, if you are not an aeronautical/hydraulic/electronic etc., engineer involved in this program then you really don't have any idea of what you are talking about. You and every other armchair quarterback should put that chair into recline mode and take a nap. Let the experts work this out. I'm just glad I…