I said that in my second sentence, thanks for reading.
I said that in my second sentence, thanks for reading.
Not only GOG, it was also featured in IndieBox, so there’s a DRM free physical version. And yeah, those people got a Steam key with it, but what’s the point of owning a physical copy of a game if it can never be complete?
I know the legal justification for defending their brand and not wanting consumers to confuse fan games for official ones but considering that Nintendo is pumping out mediocre shit lately, I can only see any confusion from fan games helping them.
The title should have been “Two Men With Two Guns and One Prizm, Get Two Years in Prison”
Why would Assad’s government [allegedly] give monetary support to ISIS?
If you’re in the market for a clone system, you can’t get much better than this. I recommend it over the Retron5.
If you’re in the market for a clone system, you can’t get much better than this. I recommend it over the Retron5.
Actually, the F-2 is known for being a prime example for how not to modernize an aircraft. The cost to manufacture one F-2 is four times the price of a block 50/52 F-16.
Not true. Adding gun pods worked for the F-4 in Vietnam. In fact, the RAF F-4s never had integrated guns, they always flew with gun pods. And if you want to go even further back, Ju-88s used by Germany in WWII were extremely effective as night fighters when equipped with radar and gun pods.
That was an epic episode. I laughed so hard when Clarkson spent so much time trying to fill his car with water, then when he leaves it immediately loses the [other!] rear door.
I preordered two Fallout 4 Pip-Boy editions for PS4 and I don’t even own a PS4 yet!! I’m going to scalp one of them to help pay for the costs of a PS4.
Sounds eerily similar to Konami Wai Wai World, except of course in this one it’s all about Konami franchises and characters. But exactly like your dream, after you complete a level, like the Castlevania themed one, you unlock Simon Belmont. It’s all 2D side scroller as well.
Just FYI: I found out about the site and joined last year. It took a few months before I got posting privileges. As far as I can tell, there’s no trick to it, it just takes time to get approved. I wasn’t even checking the forum regularly before getting my Junior Membership.
Tokyo Drift is actually the only one in the series that I like. It’s kinda weird that I never liked any of the other films but I really like what is considered to be the worst entry.