Nick Namenone

I think Robert Smith has a great voice for his songs. I wouldn’t be interested in hearing him sing standards but his unique voice is perfect for The Cure.

I agree Roboboogie and Warren, Very sad. Malcom was a great guitar player who understood the importance of solid rhythm playing. AC/DC wasn’t my favorite band but when I was playing an album they were the best thing ever. They had a great groove with dumb but catchy songs. (and some problematic lyrics-for sure).

Since I have been listening to mostly Bowie since “The Next Day” was released I have finally exhausted myself. So, I have decided to comb through the previously overlooked Roxy Music. Why did I wait so long? Looking forward to what people write here so I can find something new. (Edit-Tom Petty was one of the artists I

I probably wasn’t clear but what I meant was that conservatives that claim they want the government less involved in peoples lives are fine with the government being involved in woman’s health and are doing everything they can to prevent women from getting proper healthcare and they don’t want LGBQT to have any

I like that you are positive and active and think that a moderate candidate could sway people to voting in a more progressive manner but in my state the counties that rely on government support the most consistently vote down the spending required for those programs. The counties that rely the most on immigrant labor

Right! so like BoJack said, “blind, stupid or evil”.

Exactly. You take the work you can get. I assume he has a family and expenses. A steady gig like that is tough to pass on especially as an actor gets older. He might really like working on shows like that and if he finds it unsatisfying hopefully he does some side projects that he likes. Nothing wrong with working.

Cracked has podcast about films and this month has been John Carpenter films. They discuss The Thing of course and talk about how the logo effect was achieved. They also discuss the different layers of meaning in the film. Carpenter had more on his mind than just a monster killing people.  

I was surprised when I learned that but it could have been any really tall actor in the suit. I don’t recall much in the way of features or really doing more than smashing stuff. Still, actors gotta work.

It has been a long time since I have seen the Hawks’ film but I remember liking it. Yeah it is a giant carrot attacking soldiers and scientists but it was well shot and the dialog seemed like the way people spoke even if it didn’t sound like what people said. The dialog has people talking over the end of each other’s

That is a great story/reaction. I guess the film worked in that it caused such an emotional reaction.

No, she didn’t have to do it and I don’t want to make a direct comparison but sometimes people find themselves in a situation they couldn’t imagine and don’t know what to do to get out of it. Or they feel obliged, sometimes contractually to continue. It is also possible that the situation started out fairly normal and

A number of years ago I made a decision that I wasn’t going to watch films where woman are sexually assaulted or threatened. It is almost unavoidable in some genres. I saw the original Girl With The Dragon tattoo that had multiple rapes and then I saw a good chunk of “I Saw The Devil” and when the same sort of scene

good to know thanks.

I have seen them. They are really great. A shame Mr. Cooke passed away. I would have liked to see more of those. Thanks for the tip though.

Totally agree. Or with “peak tv” a series.

I am such a big fan of Björk that I didn’t watch this film because I didn’t want to see her get abused and destroyed (I only heard about the film so I may have that wrong) and I heard she didn’t enjoy filming. In fact I don’t know if I have watched an entire film by Von Trier because of what his actresses go

Good call and having Martin Campbell do a Westlake novel next. I wouldn’t mind an adaptation of one of the Parker novels either. I like Jackie Chan but some of his later films have been not so good. It sounds like this one is solid and I will take older Jackie staying on the ground and fighting as an older guy.

This is just terribly sad. On an absolutely horrific day. Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers are one of, if not the best American Bands. He changed and evolved and stayed true to his roots at the same time. He was still putting out exciting music and The Heartbreakers were one of the best live bands going. Every

It is. As RLM pointed out Mike’s the researcher in the book but in the film that is giving to the kid who like’s NKOTB (Ben?). So, now for some reason they are going to shift that back to Mike so they can make him a junkie librarian? Not sure they followed their own film. On a positive note the audience I saw the