Nick Namenone

It is unfortunate about De la Soul. They could never afford to put out those albums in the first place nowadays. I think sampling can be incredibly creative and sucks that great albums go out of print or artists get sued into oblivion for sampling but I still think you have to clear your samples and pay your sources

Not sure what the law actually is on it but I think even if you are giving away your music if you built it off of something someone created you are essentially giving away their work without asking or compensation. If Chance had tried to clear the sample and told the rights owner he was giving away the music the

You got it exactly right and Golden Eel is wrong. Not sure why people think it is okay to steal someone’s hard work and creativity. It is an ugly strain of entitlement to think that you can just lift something someone else spent time and money making and use it as your own or without compensating the creator.

sorry, just testing. ignore me.

Love the last two Talk Talk albums. I did actually listen to Laughing Stock this week. I haven't found anything like this. I have the Mark Hollis solo album and I think there is some crossover but it isn't as good.

That is very true and if it continues he may end up doing more damage. Certainly the US will suffer more directly. Hopefully he is removed from office and the rest of the GOP realize what terrible mistake they have made. I am not optimistic.

I think he was supposed to do the Christopher Walken part in "View To A Kill" or at least considered / inspired. (edited to correct Walken auto correct)

Still, for me it is sort of a coin toss between between a dim bulb with actually evil people manipulating him into getting thousands of Americans and tens of thousands of Middle Easterners killed, unless you think Bush knew what was going on and was just putting on a show of being a relatable salt of the

hmmm, I thought Dubya was a war criminal. I think he was the slight doofus that somehow charmed people while Cheney and others did the dirty work.

So I read a bit more about Sen. Murkowski. She does come across as a bit more independent. Good to know. Hopefully as trump gets more outlandish and lashes out other Republicans will follow suit. Thanks for correction.

Alaska is a bit more moderate than I thought but as I replied to another commenter I looked up the state's political history and their current senator and congressmen. All Republicans now.

You might be right. I hope you are. Everything was probably an overstatement. But it looks like they are going to be able to chip away at ACA until they get what they want. It looks like funding for that ridiculous wall is moving forward. It looks like they are going to get voter records. The immigration ban

I thought maybe I was letting my bias guide me but I looked up Alaska and Wikipedia says they have had six Republican governors and four Democratic ones. Their legislature "Since 1994, it has been dominated by conservatives, generally Republicans". Their members in Congress are Republican as is their sole member in

I hope you are correct but I am skeptical. I am not convinced the GOP will turn because they are getting everything they want and trump is taking the heat. Alaska isn't going to vote for a democrat so the GOP just has to find someone that will be loyal to trump to run against her.

Fallon continues to be just the worst. Too little too late Jimmy. (Good for Patti Harrison though)

That is a take I hadn't heard before. Interesting. I don't know that I watched the film from beginning to end in order but I think I saw all the parts. Basically. I like the idea that he unwittingly made the human sacrifice that was necessary.

That was great. fantastic

and maybe try writing the jokes rather than picking the best improv.

I am not sure Sheeran is out of the norm though. Guy sells out stadiums in some places with an acoustic guitar and some loops.

sadly, there was some dickhead in the audience shouting freebird.