Nick Namenone

I think everybody knew, or should have known Trump is a despicable jerk. People were surprised by Billy. What Billy did was let Trump make disgusting and misogynist remarks about his (Billy's) colleague/coworker. In some ways that is maybe worse. He should have had the guts to tell/ask Trump not to talk about his

I am sure you are correct that liberal ire directed at Trump just made his base cling harder and Fallon's humor is not much above a small child making faces and tugging on your shirt to get attention so I don't think people expected him to ask tough questions. However, Trump was openly making bigoted comments and

Bon was absolutely great and Highway To Hell is an excellent album. I was a bit disappointed that they didn't stick with Mutt because the albums sonically dropped off quite a bit. I also think that maybe they didn't get worked as hard with the song writing. Agreed about For Those About To Rock.

interesting. I really like her show and think she is funny. There is some "you're dumb, fuck you" but I think there is much more "fuck you, you're lying" and "fuck you, you're a hypocrite. I think she does a good job of calling people out and giving a fairly good example. It isn't in depth news but the "fuck you"

I feel the same way about Back In Black. That album is secretly perfectly produced but it doesn't sound like it. Def Leppard's albums are meticulously produced but they don't seem over baked. Mutt manages to make something built from tiny pieces and worked to death actually sound like a performance. Amazing.

Yes, I suppose they can be called notorious. I was wrong about that. Trashing hotel rooms and abusing women does count as notorious. I just hate giving them anything they would take as praise. I will take your word on the album having legitimate darkness on it. I have heard most of the singles off of it, albeit

Fair enough! Thanks for the info

Not really surprised some songs sound the same. Same riff different lyrics. They were not an innovative band but Nikki knew his way around a hook. Lots of bands repeat themselves. Sometimes it is an asset like Ramones or AC/DC sometimes it is a short coming. Motley delivered the familiar. They are kind of just

We can discuss the music if you like but I am not expert in it. I think it is, for the most part, expertly crafted and executed pop, glam, metal. The weakest link, by far, is the really lousy singer. He is just terrible. It is amazing to me they did as well as they did with his vocals. Especially since he isn't

Mrs. Namenone LOVES Nikki. She has read some other book he wrote and went to a book signing. She says he seems very nice at those. I am glad you liked the book and that is an interesting perspective. I suppose I could read up on it but honestly I don't want to give them the money and until I hear a very sincere

yep, Too Fast For Love is considered by some to be closer to punkish metal than they glam they evolved into. A couple of friends really like that record. To their credit they adopted trends pretty quickly as long as those trends were sub genres of their scene and they are one of the very few hair bands that had a

I have no doubt Tommy is a talented drummer. Nikki has written tons of hit songs. Like I said, the music isn't my bag but I see why people like it. I just don't like them. I never read their book and am only going by interviews that the band themselves have done. I am not sure I would believe much of anything

Oh I don't think liking glam metal is uncool. You like what you like and glam metal was super catchy and generally fun to listen to. Motley Crue had some catchy songs but I just didn't like them. I am an old man. I just saw how hard they were borrowing from Kiss and Alice for their persona and they would borrow

I really don't care for this band at all. I think the members, with maybe the exception of Mick Mars, are all terrible people. I haven't ever heard anything about Mick so… They were derivative in look and sound. I wouldn't even put them as the most notorious band of the era let alone in rock and roll. The abuse

It is pretty arbitrary. Some bands don't seem to have much if any say and other bands somehow manage to get in everybody they ever met. I don't think I have ever read a hard rule on it. The article about this at Rolling Stone says the band says it is the Hall of Fame that makes that decision.

As I have said other places. Fuck this guy

oh fuck off Fallon.

oh for sure. Kylie's rear is the equivalent (if you will) to Dolly's breasts.

Agreed. I will check out her singles when they come out. They are usually expertly made and catchy. I totally understand them not being someone's thing though. Check out the film "Holy Motors" for some Kylie sorta serious acting and please explain to me the end of that film. Please, somebody.

I know some people who have toured with Kylie as part of her live sound crew. They have nothing but great things to say about her. Funny, charming, flirty and generous. Putting an in ear pack on her will almost certainly get you some flirty joke. I think she sorta has the same thing Dolly Parton has. A good sense