Nick Namenone

well as you noted, she can’t just sing the song, Ann can. If you are not a strong singer one handed cartwheels are an acceptable substitution. At least to me. For me it comes down to not great but I like that she did something weird.

I didn’t watch it but I guess there is a rehearsal tape where she thinks maybe the style isn’t appropriate. Lots of things can happen to singers. Can’t hear themselves, lose confidence, over reach.

the style was weird and that is what I liked about it. She doesn’t hit every note but she isn’t Rosanne or Meatloaf. She is an okay singer and no, she doesn’t deserver the blow back. People get too excited about dumb stuff.

Amazing. I had no idea it was put together like that. NIN’s shows are great and obviously there is a ton of playback and everything is synced and triggered so it seems odd and obsessive to find just the perfect version of this riff and that riff. Pretty amazing and admiral in it’s achievement.

Ha! nice. I actually didn’t mind this version. It is different and kinda weird. Better this than someone that can’t sing. I hope people start doing all sorts of different arrangements.

would buy.

ahh. I did not know that!. whew. I feel a lot better. Thanks Britta Bot. Faith in humanity restored!

didn’t see this until after my other reply. I think I kind of covered it in the other replay. Clones who have no choice an brainwashed who have no choice are themselves not interesting (to me). Now if we get more Storm Troopers like Finn rebelling and we get more portrayals of Storm Troopers in general I could

I guess the biggest difference to me is that werewolves are tragic figures who are tormented by what they do when they are in wolf form. They despair and try control the transformation. They don’t like being evil and tragic. Vampires are generally played as powerful and romantic. Nosferatu excepted and I don’t see

Oh definitely taking it too seriously. Knew as soon as I published.

I never really understood why people want to dress up as Storm Troopers. I mean I sorta get that on Halloween you might want to dress up as a bad guy and I get that Storm Troopers are not real but who wants to be a faceless drone doing the bidding of genocidal maniacs. Who thinks slaughtering hundreds, thousands,

Psychic abilities are contradicted by known laws of physics and by every single experiment that bothers to have good controls. If you know of a valid scientific theory that would support psychic claims I would love to hear it.

Oh man, that is terrible. Hopefully the band has serial numbers and can get them out to pawn shops. Too late now and hopefully they have back ups in a different place or access to the original master tapes and can re-digitize them. hard drives have become so small now that it should be pretty easy to make several

Hi, Not defeatist or complacent attitude at all. It is realistic. Look, if someone around me is saying bigoted things I call them on it and I tell them what I think of them and why they are wrong. I don’t expect it to change their mind although I sincerely hope it will. It is very unlikely I am going to win over

This show isn’t trying to change minds or convert anyone. The ideology of the right, especially those still supporting trump won’t ever change. Samantha knows she is reaching a specific audience. She can hopefully encourage people to register to vote and make them aware issues across the nation.

It seems obvious they don’t care about the country. And you are correct. It is terrifying.

Sadly it might be a bit of “forget it Jake, It’s Chinatown”. Maybe it is too abstract? Maybe they are counting on it being repealed or revised if Democrats get a majority in the house or senate? Maybe they all think they will eventually benefit or maybe everyone is exhausted. It is probably a combination. I think

sorry. throw in V. And the old VHs with the original cut. missed the edit window.

I know this will be wildly unpopular but I am good with just IV. V is fine but to me it feels like half a film. Kinda ends on the second act and all the Falcon being chased is not that interesting to me. Luke is kind of a whiner. There are some great, great scenes...Okay throw in IV. Sorry. I am an old man and didn’t

Don’t know if anybody else said this but I would say the fascist take over seems to be moving right along.