
I probably slip through the crack in this article. I, like many others, open my message app, read whatever I can without actually opening the message, then depending on how I feel about the person, determine if I do indeed want to send a read receipt. Really the read receipt accomplishes nothing because in this day of

Not quite half

As a liberal, I believe he has a point though, admittedly I don’t like much of what he has to offer, but I’m referring to the idea that nuclear material is more easily smuggled than I think people perceive

Doesn’t it make sense crime rates would drop after stop and frisk? dig deep into anybody’s pockets and you can probably find a good reason to arrest ppl, any 19 yr old with a fake for sure

People are going to go to bed on the east coast soon, need some push (it’s a real thing in debates, I promise)

I feel like when the bullpen runs over to baseball brawls it’s like showing up sober to the bar at closing time - you feel awkward, out of place, and eerily aware someone might hit you

We’re going to have to double our Patriots surveillance budget this week