Can this site please just stick to gadgets? My opinion differs greatly from this sites over Wikileaks, and wish this asshole to be dead along with every bit of stolen goods he's been leaking.
Can this site please just stick to gadgets? My opinion differs greatly from this sites over Wikileaks, and wish this asshole to be dead along with every bit of stolen goods he's been leaking.
@Uh...Clem: ..and your realistic recommendation is ?
"Assange says he has unpublished, damaging documents on pharmaceutical, finance and energy companies, as well as on other governments, including Russia."
This guy should be taken out, period. Every country has their internal secret memos that would damage the relationships with many allies... We do not need to know them. You're arrogant and foolish if you think otherwise.
Be nice to have more proof, but you'd have to be daft if you believe that with the billions of planets out there, we're alone.
When I was in Jr High (in MA as well) my science teacher's pet owl was found dead with numerous pencils sticking from it one morning.
I dunno if it's that lame.. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck. In Boston I've gotten 6.2mbps down and 5.6mbps up speeds on T-Mo.
@Justin: You mean in exactly like in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang? I instantly thought of that movie when watching this.
Yawn, been running this leaked build on my HTC HD2 for 4 days now.
@the0nly0ne: Opps, Sorry, there's no app for that... Like the vast majority of the real world.
Patenting UI components is one of the stupidest things that can happen. All it will do is cause cause needless lawsuits and minimize consumer offerings. I hate Apple, but I hate the patent office for allowing this application to be granted.
It's no big deal. Get over it.
@dtptampa: I already have a HSPA+ Vanilla Android device... via the HD2 (and some love from the XDA crowd). It benchmarks above the fastest phones out there right now... (the nexus one w/Froyo)
@mousemanb: HTC uses Sense for the EVO, it's skinned to not see that feature...
Agree... but you should do a new size comparison, if the 4G is not usable without the bumper. Making it 1/2" taller and 1/2" wider, makes it bulky for it's screen size, IMO.
You mean they both have touchscreens, and call people? Call the patent attorneys. This is gonna be a brawl.
Erm, wouldn't the moon's gravitational force somewhat effect where the water pooled? If we're not spinning, the moon's rotation speed against the Earth's surface would be hugely changed.
@Harpsichord: I'd agree with you about the vendetta, if it were not for every other tech blog in the entire world poking Apple for their asinine response to the problem as well.