That was awful nice of Santa to give up 3 hours of his precious time, during his off season.
That was awful nice of Santa to give up 3 hours of his precious time, during his off season.
@igosl0w: +1
@davidr521: Now wait a minute... It took you all day to think of a "I was just joking" reply? Classic. Oh, how was that "Windows 286" you were using after IBM's OS/2?
@davidr521: Took you all day to think of a "I was just joking" reply? Classic. Oh, how was the "article" and was it about "Windows 286"?
@davidr521: So much hate, so little time.. huh?
@Arken: Most definitely. Apple zombies exist in many of the tiniest of cracks.
Pretty sure these reviewers would have given the iShit accolades, just as well.
@vinylrake: That's the first thing I thought as well. Looks like "Let's post a handful of pics with a title, tell people it was funny/insane, and take up space. It's not until pic 6 that there is any sort of explanation, even as vague as is supplied there....
Great chart, but missing two of the biggest things to compare...
Jesusphone is much more fitting.. Oh wait. Taken already.
BLam/Jesus, do you think the "assclown" moniker should be self-assigned for any bad predictions you gadget experts make? Also, calling somebody an assclown automatically projects that you think you could do better than them. Do you really think that?