The Mystic Moose

From what I could piece together from the clip, it does not appear that they did anything super techy to figure out who he was so I am generally ok with it.

I always thought of feeding the trolls as playing into their arguments and giving them the rise that they seek. I think removing his anonymity is something quite different.

Well, one has to doubt the veracity of someone who first declares that it would be a constitutional violation to provide the encryption key and then turns around and states that they conveniently forgot the key.

Depends on the size of the lobster and the availability of said lobsters. I have purchased a whole lobster at a restaurant for less.

My thought process is, while it is $7 for what is essentially an onion, I would never go through all the trouble of cutting and battering and deep frying an onion at home. If I did, what's my total time spent cooking it, and how much is my time worth to me? The answer is usually more than $7.

If the judge believes you have the key and are not supplying it, he/she can hold you in contempt. I guess this lady has decided that the having the contents of her hard drive revealed would be worse than being held in contempt.

Nothing about this post is political. The post has nothing to do with his stance on abortion, it has to do with the fact that he sited a satire news source as if it was real. It could just have easily been about stem cell research curing male pattern baldness in eagles.

Not sure why you had to make this into a political thing... I am pretty sure for every moronic instance you see with a Republican there is an equally moronic thing from the other side. The idiocy of our elected officials is one of the only bipartisan things left out there.

Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated. Your biological and technological distinctiveness will be added to our own.

Or perhaps, and I'm just going out on a limb here, Gizmodo is using "we" to mean, "we the human race" of which I assume the writer of this post is a member.

Your mixing of universes has blown my mind, sir.

!lambdacore michael bolton


'Nuff said.

TV show - 30 Rock

I don't see what the hype is all about. Why didn't he just not lose the propeller? I spend a majority of my day not losing propellers, does anyone give me an award?

Haven't read any of the comics yet. I like the term "survival horror", and I hadn't really thought of connecting TWD with BSG, but it works!

I'm just saying, a week is rather quick to be over the death of your husband and the death of your partner. If Shane was interested in anyone but Shane he would not have been so quick to jump in the sleeping bag with his best friend's wife. Nor would he have pointed a loaded weapon at Rick's back and considered

Please. Shane leaves Rick to die and then feels so remorseful that he shacks up with Rick's wife after what... a week? He gathers Rick's wife and the kid and then high tails it out of town and lies about the fact that Rick is dead when he doesn't really know. And let us not forget that he at least seriously