The Mystic Moose

For some reason I just cannot side with Shane. He had the opportunity to try and save Rick, and he left him. He had the opportunity to try and save Otis, and he shot him. And the zombies in the barn? Yeah, I don't agree that they should be kept alive, but there was no reason to round up a posse and just storm in

You mean park rangers don't just randomly taser people for no good reason?

People out of uniform tend to develop this whole "us vs. them attitude" as well, and every person in a uniform just becomes some power mad redneck who wants to "assert her authoritah".


I oft times think that these types of advice columns should be divided into "Want a job" and "Need a job". For example, I'm currently employed but would like to work somewhere better, so I can afford to be selective and spend an entire day agonizing over the entire thing.


Beyond the utilitarian purposes of combining two "different" items together, I like the fact that it's a whisk that can fold flat. Being one with very limited kitchen space (both counters and drawers) it would be nice to save some space.

This is on my bucket list. I don't care if I have to listen to Enya to do it. :)

My wife ordered some things on Amazon from a variety of sellers. Free Super Saver Shipping on a couple of them, and one item with paid (supposedly faster) shipping. She gets the Free Super Saver Shipping items first, and a couple days later gets the paid product. She writes a 4 star review that says the product is

Honestly, if you are checking references before you have even talked to me, then you are wasting the time of my references. That is just rude. You should not be contacting anyone until you have are seriously considering me for the position, so you do not get that information until you have at least talked to me.

I concur. A little bit of candor would save everyone a lot of time.

Ditto. I have several interest bearing accounts, various tax write-offs, a house, college loans, and active tuition fees and it still takes at worst a couple hours. Honestly, all you are doing is taking numbers from one form and putting it into a different form. Not sure who in the world takes 23 hours...

I don't know. I would rather not go through the process and find out the job doesn't pay enough. I could understand this if I wanted the job regardless of how much it pays, but if they are only paying $30,000 and I'm looking for $50,000 I would rather know that up front so I don't waste everyone's time.

Also, do jellyfish actively hunt? I was under the impression they just kind of floated around and waited for stuff to come to them... now I'm going to have to research jellyfish... thanks a lot!

Response to the wrong comment... oops.

Hm... this doesn't appear to be the rug that I was looking for.

The premise of the movie made me think that it would be good in spite of Owen Wilson. Wrong every time...

Ew. Midnight in Paris a personal favorite? That movie was awful, imho. It was one of those movies that I got suckered into watching knowing full well that it had a Wilson brother in it and could not possibly have any redeeming qualities...

"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime."

This is my 70s-90s cartoon theory: