The Mystic Moose

Ditto. And if you were tired of playing hangman, or really wanted the other person to guess, your "hangman" would wind up getting shoes, and a tie, etc.

We're going back... to the future!

If I understood the article correctly, the helium that we have had is just floating loose in the upper atmosphere. Wouldn't it be easier to develop a way to extract it from there as opposed to going to Jupiter? I mean, you might not be able to build rockets and such with it, but you could still make chipmunk voices

I recently spent a week of hiking through national parks and didn't bother to shave, so I feel you. Whenever I get scruffy looking I feel like I have a big target painted on my back.

I was flying out of Vegas and saw someone dressed like you this week. He also had dark sunglasses on. I made a comment to my wife that he might want to try to look a little less like the unabomber before going through security.

I just try and dress so that I can be quick. That means I carry a bag (usually my camera bag) and while in line I move EVERYTHING that's in my pockets into the bag (including my wallet and phone). When I have to take my laptop I don;t use the velcro straps to hold it in. I just unzip and I can pull it out and shove

I recently went there! Really an awesome place for the geeky! Most of the cars are diesel, which do not require spark plugs, or electric cars. Also, they have trucks that can roam around seeking out interference. That would be a fun job. "Sir, we detected your wifi. Could you please turn it off?"

I like the comments, sometimes more than the article themselves. My problem is that I don't understand at all what it takes to earn a star. I have seen people make good, insightful comments over extended periods of time and have not seen anything happen. I don't mind the gamification of the comments, as it

For some reason I always picture Cinna as the guy from What Not To Wear, and President Snow as Morgan Freeman. I tell people this and then I get weird looks.

On looking upon it further, it seems to be a brown colored asterisk on top of a big white scallop shell... it still weirds me out.

Lenny Kravitz just doesn't do it for me.

And here's another!

That's odd, I have never heard 2:00 AM called anything other than the morning of the day that is in question. I think it should read that Daylight Saving Time begins Sunday morning.

On a related note... what is going on in that picture? Is that a weird earring or does she have Jaws teeth growing out of her neck? I stare at it confusedly and cannot concentrate on anything else. Why is there hair inside that jaws mouth?

I think you vastly underestimate the power of money and Hunger Games fans willing to fork it over.

The trailer shows her and Peeta running from the forest on fire, which was part of the games. Not a huge part, but just sayin. :)

To me, part of the fun of eating an egg is biting into the whole egg and discovering the yolk inside. If I'm ever in such a hurry that I need a faster way to peel an egg (like if I'm in a Die Hard movie and people will blow up or something?) I'll consider this.

Red, blue, and green are the primary colors for light. Any device which emits light needs at least these three colors to create other colors. They are the additive primaries. Televisions, which emit light, traditionally use this palette. Recently they have started adding yellow to some to create an even broader

I think we're talking about two different things here. What I am referring to was recent, your link is to a case settled in 2010. What I am referring to is a story I just heard on NPR. Lemme search for it.