Now, here's the dilemma...
Now, here's the dilemma...
I still long for a console with all the strengths of a Nintendo console yet married to all the strengths of Playstation or Xbox.
True, there was always MELODRAMA (which isn't the same as normal drama).
I have 25 games to beat.
I obviously have missed a lot since Metal Gear Solid 2...
I'm pretty sure more people than Anita Sarkeesian will be having a field day with it. Even the design of Quiet is rather... questionable.
Well, even the original Metal Gear Solid "torture" scene was pretty "fun". "Don't even think about using a turbo controller. I'll know if you do." Take that torture scene seriously. You can't.
I actually grew less fond of the series over time to the point that the only Metal Gear game I still unabashedly love is Metal Gear Solid. Everything else was saddled with one too many flaws, either in gameplay or story, for me to outright fall in love with it. It became, like Halo, a series that just overstayed its…
Never played MGS3. I played 1 and 2. And, well, the torture scenes in both those games were pretty... what's the word... goofy. I mean, literally goofy. Almost light-hearted in how over-the-top they were, between the fourth wall breaking, mustache twirling, mini-game gimmicks, nanomachine jargon, and pretty…
We really need better animation and lip syncing.
Echoing everyone else... This is BS.
Like Duke Nukem Forever, I'm going to deny that this game actually is coming out until I see it on store shelves.
Why wasn't glitter a crime when THIS came out?
Nintendo themselves screwed me over by making Zelda 1 have a secret quest if you put in "Zelda" as your name.... Yeah, that didn't help me going forward.
Which, oddly enough, claimed they were acting on the publisher's behalf, regardless of what the publisher claims. I agree, it's YouTube's mess, but if publisher's want the benefits they need to stand by their fans and followers (and to their credit, many have).
Maybe I totally wrong on this, I don't know...
Linkin Park's songs are just more "thematically" similar than most artists...
I'll wait for the PS4 Slim(mer). Preferably bundled with Uncharted 4 and/or PaRappa the Rapper HD Collection.
Yes, but data diggers DID find Jill and Shuma-Goroth, the DLC characters, included on the retail disc in full. Capcom tried to say that they weren't "finished" yet, but the hackers found they were there in full, all specials, all moves, and nothing changed about them post-release.
And there was no excuse not to include them in Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3... that came out months later and they still were fenced off as DLC.