Mine came off ages ago. Kid Icarus Uprising on hard...
Mine came off ages ago. Kid Icarus Uprising on hard...
you MUST be young, because people falling out of an exploding NY skyscraper on 9/11 is about as bang-on related to that tragedy as you can get.
didn't involve exploding NY skyscrapers or people leaping out of them to avoid being cooked alive in the marketing.
I am going to assume your life wasn't turned upside-down, your family utterly destroyed, and you didn't lose the closest people in your life, some of whom leapt from the building to their deaths rather than cook alive.
yeah. 13 years. Some of us are still picking up the pieces of our lives.
Why is her tiara star the same as Marvel's Nova Corps?
Power Overwhelming.... Only cheat I need.
His mother is dead?! Nonsense! I still have his mother in my team after leaving her and a ditto at the daycare!
I don't recall signing my signature to any EULA... and I'm pretty sure the European court of laws even stated EULAs are non-binding since a contract whose terms are not dictated prior to a point of sale clearly and evidently are deemed invalid.
I would just like to take this moment to remind everyone that Joss Whedon was once attached to a Wonder Woman movie, only for DC to pull the plug because they didn't feel Wonder Woman could work and that Joss Whedon's movies probably wouldn't make money based on Serenity's box office.
Can't we get our cake and eat it too?
What's even better is if you imagine politicians use these same writers during debates.
Funny enough, considering what I hear on Xbox Live every day, a lot of people that have said far worse than Donald Sterling will be buying their game.
Not by the end of the game after you re-acquire her abilities. The suit turns orange by the end.
And the number of female soldiers wearing high heels into battle is 0%.
She had rocket boots in the past.
That's the actual Fusion suit.
Precisely. Mario has fought in overalls since day one. Slapping heels on Samus isn't consistent to how she dressed and fought for over two and half decades.