Nick Johnson

This is not just a "rich people" issue. I know plenty of middle class people in safe neighborhoods that get super pissed when carloads of kids from poorer areas get dropped off. Frankly I never understood the big deal. More kids means less candy for me to deal with later. Besides, if *I* lived in a less than safe

This is a fucking toy. My parents told me they got one and were reading the instructions. When they read the part where it said "Do not run for over 2 minutes as the motor will overheat" I laughed. Told them to donate it to a preschool for the kids to play with and get a Vitamix.

This is a fucking toy. My parents told me they got one and were reading the instructions. When they read the part

Vitamix 5200 Series

Vitamix 5200 Series

Feed the ducks.

Apple has made a fairly seamless ecosystem. Nothing they did was shockingly original, they just polished the rough edges off of the existing user functions and tucked them inside sexy hardware.

Macs seem to keep their value a bit better. They also seem to last longer. I see people get 4 years of use from MACs and much less from other brands.

See, your mistake is in thinking that the tech comes from Android. It doesn't. It comes from Electrical Engineers who work for companies like TI, NXP, ST Micro, Analog Devices, Freescale, and Microchip. These technologies are then available to anyone who wishes to use them, and believe me, the sales reps for those

When I think of the higher price, I don't think as much as the Apple tax as the Apple "bundling." With any Apple product, I can go into any Apple retail store in the country and get it fixed or swapped out. I just did that with my iPhone cable. No questions asked, no receipt, just a quick swap.

Oh, I know, every fandom has its own group of certified whackadoos. I just have yet to hear of any Android fans claiming that Google/Samsung/LG/etc. invented some of the tech used in Android that Apple actually introduced. Seems more prevalent the other way around.

Arguments about the Apple Tax are stale, bordering on outright false. Apple products aren't necessarily overpriced. They're just expensive. The same quality laptop from a different manufacturer might cost you the same.

I travel frequently for business and have been using a Samsonite carry-on for many years. Time for a replacement, so I started looking around at options. I've noticed flightcrews, especially pilots, ALL use TravelPro, specifically the FlightCrew4. It is hard to find, but a deal at $139.99. I'm going to pick one

I travel frequently for business and have been using a Samsonite carry-on for many years. Time for a replacement,

I get that, but specifically climate change really doesn't have a lot to do with this.

It's got more to do with income than anything else. It's quite literally as cheap or cheaper to drink soda as it is any other beverage but tap water, for instance. Poor people can't afford to eat healthy. Where I'm at we're trying to fight it with an exemplary farmer's market which allows people to buy freshly

What does obesity have to do with climate change?

Beat me to it. This is the very first book I think of when I think "productivity". I have a stockpile of them in the storeroom, and I give a copy to every new hire we have.

Oh, man, don't you love it when you can shoot the shit and joke with your coworkers? I used to have a group of coworkers who sat around with me all day making jokes about genitalia and sex and vibrators that play Christmas music. Those were the days! Now most of my coworkers are religious and I have to watch what I

The 4-Hour Workweek

Getting Things Done

it's all about the points.

"If your CC declines once, it will, without question, decline again." Except that's absolutely not true. Every time my card has been 'declined' it has gone through on the second try.