
We gotta get rid of the death penalty...however, that’s not enough. If Reed weren’t facing execution, merely life without parole, who would have cared? In every real way, wrongful death by execution is the same as dying in prison after a wrongful life sentence.

Forget the celebrities and just looking at the content, if this doesn’t show the ridiculousness of the “justice” system, little does.

A broken clock is right twice a day?

Clearly this is beneficial publicity for the Kardashians (who’ve likely calculated that Kanye’s anti black tirades aren’t good for their bottom line).

Who wouldve thought that as a black person you could trust Kim Kardashian more than Kanye? If that doesnt define the  fuckery of 2019 then I dont know what can

Ah yes, the Gospel of Benjamin:

Shh, that's just your devilish brain talking. You must relent, and listen to the angels in your wallet. Abraham, Benjamin, Andrew, and George will never steer you wrong.

“One time, he told me that he wasn’t going to rap,” Tyson recalled, per XXL. “I said, ‘Why not?’ He said, ‘That’s the devil’s music.’

He made all those movies?

Kind of weird we have to read way down to the Post quote before you explicitly post how old he was at the time, no? He was 17, if like me, anyone else was interested, as I couldn’t remember.

He killed an innocent person over being loud because he saw Black people enjoying themselves huh. Be tormented, asshat.

How many young black men couldn’t get a job because they were arrested for a little weed?

He killed an innocent person over being loud huh. Be tormented, asshat.

The course correction for Iggy Azalea is already here, and her name is Lizzo. (Y’all please go stream “Truth Hurts” so Iggy gets knocked off her Billboard record - just one more week til they’re tied, and two until Lizzo beats Ig’s record.)

You owe me a new keyboard.

there need to be more women groups in hip-hop. Way past due to redevelop this dynamic.

GTFO if Iggy had hit, TI would be out here like....

As he should be.... and a splitboombap ona bib boom bop....yup she did that on stage and I will never forget how hard I laughed at that and said to myself....self...TI is responsible for this.....some shit wont wash off, bruh. 

Like Chris Rock said: “Do you really want to be that guy that is too old to be in the club?” I realized about five to seven years ago when people were talking about The MTV Video Music awards that it wasn’t my time and I was cool with it. Same goes for any BET Awards and even The Grammy’s sometime. I’m old school and

... My heart!