I have dealt with this too, especially in Albuquerque, NM. I didn't take it as being hip or cool...I took it as me being an attractive black woman and me being me was somehow a threat to their relationship even though I had never even met their husbands. I already had a fiance at the time and he was white so it was…
I get what you are saying...but in advertising, response is everything. If the only responses received are negative without any positive feedback (coupled with boycott threats and such), then these companies will stop, guaranteed. And also, for someone in an interracial relationship (like me!), seeing all of the…
If I recall, the first story was about the statement made about fried chicken. This article seems to be about the silent protest of the original protest using fried chicken.
See, I never knew such a thing existed. Mama is VERY pleased with this one. The junk and the booty and the everything. This was everything.
Right? I found this one on Crunk and Disorderly. I have wanted to use it so bad. Today was the day :)
Thank you for sharing this article with us. As a woman of color and a feminist who closely watched the recent shitstorm of #solidarityisforwhitewomen very closely , this article certainly rang true for me. Sometimes, I think that they just aren't going to ever get it. And it's sad, really. I shouldn't have to…
I crack up at this one every.single.god.damned.time I see it! Thank you for bringing this one to the party!
Actually, my last remark wasn't being pompous. I was being sincere, so....there you have it, sir. I was relating to your post and then stated why I was offended originally by stating that I did, indeed, appreciate you taking the time to explain. Whatev's man. Sorry you took it that way. Peace & love.
I am not trying to bully you, but yeah...I usually take the word "overwhelmingly" to mean "related to being overwhelmed". And now I think I know what you meant. I am around white people ALL of the time. I live in a town where, besides a few college students, I am the ONLY permanent black resident (or it feels that…
Hmmm...."overwhelmingly black neighborhood", you say? Black neighborhood would suffice. But overwhelmingly black? Dude, seriously?
That just made my shitty Wednesday so much better. And gah...that choreography made me yearn for the strong calves and shimmy shoulders of my youth.