The UPROXX site is butt ugly with intrusive ads, otherwise I'd visit it more.
The UPROXX site is butt ugly with intrusive ads, otherwise I'd visit it more.
U mad, bro?
Damn, thanks for reminding me about Oryx and Crake. That book scared the shit out of me by how possible it all felt, especially the ways in which it depicts how we'll get our food in the future.
Yeah and sarcastic comments are soooo much better….
She's a great songwriter. Nothing else snarky to say.
I liked Ruminations a whole lot, so while I'm excited by this, I don't necessarily know if I need it.
I gotta pick up that new Ryan Adams record on vinyl too.
The bass line is so dope.
Sad that there's no mention of Margot & the Nuclear So and So's frontman Richard Edwards' solo debut on March 31. "Lil Dead Eye-d," one of the recently released tracks is so pretty yet seems way more pointed and focused than the last Margot record. Edwards has always made interesting records and he seems to have spent…
We're supposed to consider Gore Verbinski a hack?
Yeah, well, most records do.
Solid and completely inessential.
I'll take that for Angles, but I strongly, vehemently disagree on First Impressions. Get rid of "Evening Sun," "Ask Me Anything" and 'Fear of Sleep" and it's perfect. (I still like those songs but they make the album feel overlong)
A big one for me is The Fratellis, in that I thought their first album Costello Music was a stone cold classic, a fun record to listen to while drinking with friends, and everything since has just been a wet fart.
I think other bands copying Arcade Fire's model has spoiled Funeral a lot for me. I agree that Reflektor didn't live up to the hype. I honestly think The Suburbs is overlong with a lot of, I don't want to call it filler, but just inessential album tracks. Neon Bible is the album of theirs that I spin the most.
Spoon is the model of staying consistent, yet interesting.
Maladroit is wildly underrated. Their last records are pretty great too.
I think Cassadega is a pretty great record. "Classic Cars" is a favorite song. Your trajectory with Conor matches mine. I was out, then fell hard for Ruminations.
First Impressions of Earth is a misunderstood masterpiece. I can also go to bat for Angles and Comedown Machine, which would have been considered really great albums had they been released by any band that didn't make Is This It? Fight me.
I have a real appreciation for Get Hurt. The title track, "Underneath the Ground," Selected Poems," "Dark Places," "Mama's Boys" and "Halloween" are all fantastic in my eyes.