Nick Harley

Game of Thrones, Season 1 Episode 1: EWWWW, INCEST, YUCK!

Their shows are super great. Their latest record is like '70s Stones goodness. Don't sleep on 'em.

Up until a year ago, I wouldn't have said it was a problem. Also, they're rad.

That's just pop bias and casual sexism talking. As you were…

Um, no?

I just like that it has more grit and darkness than Funeral. It's somehow more produced yet more raw at the same time.


Hot Take: Neon Bible is their best record.

This is the right take.

I don't think the record is as bad as many are making it out to be, but I also don't think it has any truly great tracks. For me, "Creature Comfort" and "Put Your Money On Me" come closest. That being said, nothing really made me cringe either. It's middle of the road for them, but still largely more interesting than

Nah, it's sludgy and the tossed off vocals are fun and endearing. I love it.

New Manchester Orchestra!!!

That Littlefinger photo came right after someone said "Open your mouth as wide as you can!"

I see every criticism leveled at Anderson's work as valid, but goddamn do I love his movies.

This show could be so gross and disturbing, it's amazing that it aired on Nickelodeon.

I hate how every time any director has any amount of success with an original idea, they're immediately swooped up by the new Hollywood system, forced to helm the latest adaptation, sequel, or remake. Peele clearly has his own ideas and should just stick to them. It worked wonderfully the first time.

With all this needless promotion, before this thing comes out we'll all have Justice Fatigue! (Murdered by storm of tomatoes)

I don't find the Block & Tackle stuff to be comprehensive or pandering. It covers football in a very specific way that I don't find on other sites. I don't read sports content from other national outlets but I do here because Teti analyzes the NFL product in a QUALITATIVE and discerning way, like he was watching a

Sports are pop culture, whether you like it or not. A once a week football column that approaches the sport like a TV series and acknowledges that the narratives created by a football season can be equal to and even better than some fiction is appreciated by many. No one forces you to read it. To point to that column

Block & Tackle is pretty great though.