If you've seen the trailer, then you know that your hope is misplaced.
If you've seen the trailer, then you know that your hope is misplaced.
This this this. Californication is not a great show, and rarely is a good show, but Hank Moody only works because of Duchovny. He has the right sort of affability and a certain grace with a one-liner that makes a character that frankly comes off as a little creepy, douchey, and gross on paper seem like a genuinely…
Like, which regular commenters here irk you the most and ruin funny threads/thoughtful discussion?
"Male models don't think for themselves."
"That's not true!"
"Yes it is, Derek."
(Sigh) Zoolander 2 is gonna be awful.
Yeah, because the X-Files without Duchovny really worked out super well the first time they tried it…
How about AV Club commenters that ruin comment sections?
Yo, don't bash Duchovny, this wasn't his fault. He's a hand model, mama. A finger jockey. He thinks differently than the other actors…
Ghost Harry on Dexter…..pretty much everyone on Dexter…
How about everyone on the Big Bang Theory, all of its writers, the creator, and the network?
Seasons 8 and 9 Pam and Jim. UGH! Theyre so insufferably smug and happy, I hate them.
Pete is an asshole for most of the series' run, but around season 5 they started playing some of his dickishness for comedy, and I went from hating Pete Campbell to actually liking him.
Mike Milligan was easily one of the best characters that Fargo has had at this point.
Matt Helders on drums, hell yeah.
Like any good father, my dad raised me to believe that Dickey Betts was the greatest guitar player to ever live. Don't neccesarily agree with him today, but boy did I impress a lot of old dudes when they asked me about my musical tastes when I was young.
This is the strategy ABC is taking to get people like me to watch this nauseating shit show? I'll wait for the video here tomorrow…
Alive, moderately well.
Quick, someone make sure Joe Walsh is ok!
I hope Kanye mentions his scumbag cousin on every track on SWISH (btw, I think this song is great. Kendrick is on fire.)
The only thing that Morrisey has ever inspired me to do is want to punch Morrisey.