I'm not saying "King of the World" is great, or even good, but damn if that chorus won't be rattling around in my head all day. And that guy in the video looks uncomfortably too much like me.
I'm not saying "King of the World" is great, or even good, but damn if that chorus won't be rattling around in my head all day. And that guy in the video looks uncomfortably too much like me.
It's a Tom Hooper movie! (Full disclosure: I did not watch this)
Daniel Radcliffe seems like such a cool dude. One of the most well-adjusted, normal former child actors that there is.
"There's no sign of life
It's just the power to charm
I'm lying in the rain
But I never wave bye-bye"
I'm a sucker for undeniable pop hooks with weighty, poignant lyrics underneath. This is one of the best.
My Dad graduated from high school in '77. He said from 8th grade until the end of college, every single local band that he saw that did covers did Suffragette City. He didn't seem to mind.
After reading Judd Apatow's book and finding out that he and Carrey have a lot of history and are pretty good friends, I'd love for Judd to write a movie for Jim, similar to what he did with Sandler and Funny People. (Except, you know, not make it the longest movie ever)
"Real Friends" is great and the snippet with Kendrick sounds even better.
Yeah, I'm not sure who actually gets enjoyment out of the new Dylan stuff, but I still think Bruce is making relevant, inspired, pretty great stuff. If you're looking to get into Springsteen, I know Born to Run is always (and probably rightfully so) considered the masterpiece and the starter album, but Darkness On the…
I'm largely ignorant to Bowie. Sure, I know "Life On Mars," "Space Oddity," "Suffragette City," "Queen Bitch," "Ziggy Stardust," "Moonage Daydream," "Changes," "Young Americans," "Starman," "Rebel Rebel," "Let's Dance," and "Modern Love" pretty darn well because I'm a music fan with a pulse, but I've never really…
Jodie Sweetin with the Fuller Blouse.
In the future, everyone has terrible opinions about movies!
If the song isn't called "The Ballad of Dean Strang" then I don't care.
The Night Josh Tillman Skipped Over My Town
Freda Payne, "Band of Gold."
Superdrag, "Sucked Out."
Ben Kweller, "Wasted & Ready"
Thin Lizzy, "Dancing in the Moonlight."
George Harrison, "What is Life."