The Strokes, "Barely Legal."
The Strokes, "Barely Legal."
Queens of the Stone Age, "Feel Good Hit of the Summer."
The Bobby Fuller Four, "Let Her Dance."
I thought he and Dirty Randy make…other…types of movies.
No hoagies in the pen, well, not the Huxtable kind.
The Amelie Gillette mention felt more like shaming and an attempt at embarrassing her than disclosure.
I love this comment.
I love Bruce Springsteen so damn much and I just want to grab the faces of people who don't understand him and shake their faces until they do. I just watched the 1980 show in Phoenix from The Ties That Bind box set and just, Christ, the setlist is relentless and the execution is so perfect, earnest, and emotive, I…
At one point The Strokes were overrated but I think the backlash hit them so hard that they've swung around to being underrated again. Everyone should own a copy of those first two records.
I dunno, "YOLO" "Heart in a Cage" "Juicebox" "Vision of Division" "Ize of the World" "15 Minutes" and "Red Light" all kinda do it for me, but I'm kind of a Strokes fanboy. Those first two albums are so good that everything since has been graded on this impossible scale.
Um, Erik Adams, who exactly is the Johnson family? You mean the Murphy family? C'mon…
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If I were kid again this movie would have blown my little freaking mind and I'd be pretending to Poe Dameron for months.
"There's a spider (spider-spider)…Deep in my soul (soul)…."
Your whole point is nullified when you say The Master is "awful."
I refuse to say anything too negative because I wouldn't want anyone crapping on the songs I wrote when I was 15.
SIX SEASONS AND A…oh wait, sorry, wrong show.
Wait, this was last night, so…You saw them tonight? Can I borrow your Delorean?
Just perplexed that you could watch the entire season, as you claim, and have your takeaway be, "These guys believe they're intellectually superior and think that no one should care about anything."
Cool, and I'll stand by my point that you're not very good at interpreting things.