Nick Harley

Yeah but that's not what they're saying at all. If you had watched the show, you'd realize that they're actually supporting the idea of social change and PC culture, just not when it is self-serving or motivated by a need to point a finger at someone and create a mob mentality of shaming.

People think that because they've watched South Park in the past that they can comment on what the recent episodes have been saying and doing and that irks me so much, because they've not only taken on both sides of the whole PC argument, but have also shown a pretty good sense of humor about themselves (i.e. everyone

Says person who has an opinion about something he hasn't watched.

And the writing said, "Hey, I'm mostly terrible."

John Goodman is playing GG Allin?

Hackneye is my favorite Marvel superhero.

Guess I'm going to Pittsburgh. (Also: If you're attending the show, how hard do you plan on dancing to Sherry Darling on a scale of Courtney Cox to that bend back thing that Bruce does in "Tenth Avenue Freeze Out"?

Pretty sure these guys lost a guitar player between the last album and now, which maybe explains why they're making more stripped back tunes. Sort of hate how just because Auerbach produced them that all of the singles from this so far sound like Keys knock-offs.

If you're born after 2000 you shouldn't be allowed to have opinions, let alone name things.

Nickelodeon used to have so much personality. Those bumpers alone were so much fun. If someone compiled all of the weird little bumpers and shorts that they made in the mid/late 90s, I could watch a 2-hour block of just those.

Yes, it's a night time soap and always has been, but it usually adds its own flavor to the mix, especially by having a breakneck sense of pacing, for better or for worse. The soapiest aspects are the parts I love, the more absurd the better, but lately it all feels, as I said, by the numbers. This season, the show has

I just need to start realizing that every time I think an episode of Empire is great, this reviewer will think it's horrible, and vice versa. To me, this was one of the worst episodes of the season. Long lost sisters and surprise pregnancies are night-time soaps by the numbers, Jamal's story was an extended ad for

What this reviewer wants out of this show and what I want are completely different things. I WANT LUCIOUS PLAYING SITAR TO THE WORLD'S WORST SONG AND ACTING LIKE ITS THE BEST DAMN TRACK IN THE WORLD, DAMMIT!

It's ok to not like this song but saying that it's "slut-shaming" is a huge stretch. If you equate "cheerleader" "short skirts" and "high heels" with "slut" than maybe it's you that has the issue? I dunno. Btw, Butch Walker does a totally fun cover of this song where he changes a couple of the lyrics but keeps it

Noel is the one with the talent.

Why did this album not get a review?

I want a Midnight Reruns review.

And apparently the alcoholism too!

This review was like incredibly kind for a pretty garbage hour of television. If she reviewed Gotham, they'd get A's every week!

How is Friday Night Lights (movie) not on this list?