
Actually metal behaves very like 'green' wood in that respect, which is why I chose it for the analogy. You can snap wood only just once if you bend it severely (like a copper tube), but you can also weaken it it by moving it beyond it's natural boundaries repeatedly until the micro fractures build up and ruin the

Even if they 'forgot' some zeros and it's actually 9000, it's still obviously a non issue as it would still mean 99.9999% of people have no problem. They simply don't bend without enormous force. The phone is not in any way supposed to be invulnerable and some other manufacturers phones bend much more easily - yet

The only videos posted so far have been of phones which have already been bent (and cracked!). Try snapping a stick and then seeing how easily it bends if you try and bend it again at the snapped place. I've yet to see any videos where someone has unboxed a new phone and managed to bend it without using severe force.

What issue? Even in the real world only 0.00000009% of phones have been affected, proving that 99.9999999% of phones have absolutely no bending issues!

What flaw? You realise that only 0.0000009% of people have had a problem? Chances are even those people are lying about it and likely just sat on it. Yes there are issues with the iPhone but bending is certainly not one of them. Even IF they were bendable in normal use and this only affected even a tiny 1% minority

Of course it's a flagship model. It was their top end, most expensive phone only 2 weeks ago. It still has the same spec and is still a current model. Flagship has nothing to do with age. - a flagship model of something is always a flagship model.

Apart from Apple, who have flagship phones in 3 different sizes.

"Widely accepted" presumably by people who know nothing about metallurgy and haven't heard of mercury or lithium (which you can cut with a knife).

"Second most malleable"? What scale are you using?! There are dozens of metals massively more malleable than aluminium; eg lead, lithium (like cheese), mercury (a liquid!).

"it's clearly not something that will happen with normal use" - Um, isn't that precisely what people are reporting? - Everyone that's reported it so far said they just took it out of their pocket and found it was bent or split, if the half-dozen articles I've read are true. This includes the guy in your video.

Eric - The battery in the iPhone is easily removable. All you need is the correct screwdriver.

So you didn't bother to read the article then? Where it clearly states it does NOT have a sapphire screen.

GIFs: For when people don't understand how to make a video.

you know Google can do unit conversions for you? :)

I wonder if they know for certain it was originally shot in 4:3? Many old films and TV programmes were shot in 16:9 (or wider) then cut down to 4:3 for broadcast. That's why Friends now looks great in HD at 16:9 despite the fact that all 10 series were originally broadcast in 4:3.

So is the word "computer". What's your point?

You say "just" like that's an easier solution. The whole point of their solution is that they're doing all of that for you (and it's not a crappy VM).

Signed, Syncing Without Servers

I don't get this at all. How does reusing syringes spread anything? Nothing from the body ever flows all the way back up into the syringe - this isn't possible. Surely it's reusing the needles which spreads disease and this syringe seemingly does nothing to solve that problem.

You seem to be very confused about the difference between "produce" and "manufacture". No, Apple do not manufacture them, but they certainly DO produce them - hence Apple's logo being printed on them.