
Well yeah - that's exactly what Apple is trying to do. That's the entire point of the plastic casings (vs metal & glass ones)

If these are renders, why is the image quality so bad? Looks like it was taken with a greasy lens, out of focus with large amounts of dust and grease/butter smeared on the housings?

Cameron's plans are about blocking porn by default, not banning it. Huge difference! Get your facts straight.

New as in they're a new product. And no, you haven't been able to buy them before - you're probably thinking of the mains operated ones.

It will require light, but nearly all rooms have light. How would you get to the drawer in the first place without light? It seems unlikely people would use a flash-light to do that, so you can assume for normal sane-humans that there will be sufficient light in the room to activate the sensor.

When you open the drawer. Nobody walks around their bedroom in the pitch dark. I've got cupboard lights which work the same way and they work perfectly. Unless you were try and walk around bedroom in absolute pitch black, they work fine.

Apple would not be stupid enough to use an aluminium backed phone again. You cannot make a phone out of RF screening metal. They already screwed up with the design of the 4/4S and 5 which pretty much all need bumpers or you can kill the antenna just by holding it. An Alu back would totally screen everything from all

Yeah but at least they're *vaguely* the same. If you look at an Android screen it's even more inconsistent. Some apps have rounded corners and some square. Ew! Windows Phone icons look neater but I otherwise hate the overall look.

Doubt it. The larger a device is, the cheaper it becomes. Miniaturisation costs money and creates production problems (especially with the screen and battery). That's why full size laptops are cheaper than small laptops. A bigger iPhone would not necessary be any more expensive than the current one as it will almost

"as it would sound like some feminine hygiene product."

I don't think for one minute that Apple will change the screen resolution for a 5" iPhone. There is no need to do this and even using the existing screen res will produce a screen where you can barely determine pixels. It's only 25% bigger and even if they stick with the same screen resolution, it will still be a

And as much as I love my iPhone, I still find it's no good at making calls either. I've never managed a call longer than 15 minutes on my iPhone 5. They always just drop with a "call failed" message. I never had a dropped call on my 4 or 4S but an iPhone 5 is totally unable to make a call last longer than a few

The real problem with sending texts or iMessages on iPhones is that it doesn't try very hard to send them. Even a crappy 12 year old Nokia will keep retrying in the background for up to 24 hours after you press that send button. An iPhone only tries ONCE and even then, it only tries for a few seconds. If you don't

I'd rather shield it with my hand or a bit of folded cardboard and have the full screen. Or perhaps they should have made a case which turns into a sun shade. This just seems silly...

What a stupid idea... Take a brilliant retina screen and downgrade it to a crappy postage stamp resolution image using a piece of plastic.

I'm confused... 4K is relevant for things like cinemas, but it doesn't affect home users who are unlikely to have the 100 inch plus TVs in their home. 4K is only needed on extremely large screens. Below about 100 inches, your eye cannot see any difference. Your article makes it sound like it affects home users?

Yes you do. USB can only provide 500mA. Why waste time charging off USB when a mains charger can shove an amp or two into your phone and charge it in less than half the time. Give me a proper charger please - stop cheap-skating.

USB 3 is not a cable or connector. They don't need to change the cable to allow USB 3 and they didn't change the cable when they went from USB 1 to USB 2 (or any of the other features they added to the old connector). I very much doubt they'll change the connector again within 10 years. In fact I think the next step

Perhaps 3rd party cables could still be made to charge the phone, without necessarily providing access to other functions such as USB data or digital audio out... That would do for things like cheap car chargers or charger docks.