Nick Foote

Definately. But Bean's head strong and stubborn attitude kinda helps. He's never tormented by anything cus he's a total BA. Ender though lol

He was on-screen for one scene, ONE SCENE, and he immediately became the baddest badass in the movie.

There is no contest with Ozymandias. He is the true post-modern superhero, which makes him the worst classical villain in all of fiction. Ozymandias is so evil because he makes us question the villainous nature of man itself. We are forced to confront the reality that we need a villainous act to become our better

The core of the term 'geek' refers to the socially inept outcasts - therefor, the very basis of it becoming popular to be a geek kindof misses the point. This is why we have problems with some hot chick or 'jock' type claiming to be a geek because they like hobbies generally associated with the socially inept outcasts

Ah, okay. It seemed like a weird labeling choice, since obviously many girls were geeks and faced many of the same pressures boys did. (And each faced a few separate pressures.) I think "cliques" or "popular girls" is what I might've gone with, but you're right - it's harder to pin down a term.

The thing is here is that 'geek' is so insular. Not only were you focused on what you were interested in, but not being accepted for it made you focus only more on it.

Personally, I think the term "geek" is quickly losing meaning, and in my mind, it's a good thing. I don't think you should require a special label if you're into technology or art.

And the crack team who will pilot it.

Everyone should heed this mans advise. Men have a strong tendency to think with the small head almost all the time. The ones who don't are the ones who get all the girls for themselves, and most everything else.

I go through all these comments, seriously, no Sam Rockwell?

John Noble is an amazing actor, but hus imdb page is pathetically small. This guy deserves the most underrated spot.

We wouldn't have nice things if it weren't for the Wozinator.

Awesome idea! Because that worked so well for Spiderman 3! *dies from acute sarcasm poisoning*

I'm really struggling to think of anything I own that I don't want getting wet, that I never handle/touch and that I don't mind being painted white.

Am I the only one getting trolled by Kotaku's front page? I keep scrolling down and the same stories keep reappearing. I feel like I'm in the Lost Forest...

Maybe because it's a mod?

Not made by Valve?

It should go without saying that I will probably read this, because hating Heroes is a fundamental part of my consciousness.

It is absolute fascinating to me how completely I haven't gotten over how shitty Heroes was.

Sorry I call BS, I've been using Windows 8 since launch and I haven't had a single issue with "Compromised" apps, or drivers.

Everything works, I had to change the way I do some things but generally speaking it really isn't any different once you get past the start screen which I seldom if ever go to, and when I do, I