Nick Foote

THIS type of cool information is what they need to be saying on the tv broadcast! Last year there was a robot with a plastic brain and some LEDs, and they would not shut up about how it was a “smart” robot. No, using lidar to sense when an opponent is in range, and firing the weapon, that is smart. Please talk about

Couple thoughts:

If Pokemon Go didn’t destroy school productivity irreconcilably, I doubt Fortnite will.

How many Mooches was he Trump’s lawyer? Like 0.3 Mooches, right?

I can understand why streamers are playing Fortnite more, there is less downtime, more action, which leads to more viewers. But playing it myself, I enjoy the looting, the driving, and the accidentally killing myself falling down a cliff, just as much as I enjoy the firefights. I just tried Fortnite out with some

Ok, so obviously banning subreddits that traffic illegal goods should be banned, but banning marketplace subs for legal things is less obvious. A lot of people are saying, in the comments of the announcement, that this is cracking down on free speech or and other things that sound like they belong in a hidden camera

Still the best:

I’ve been saying that all they have to do to convince me to see this movie is say that The Rock grows giant and fights a giant beast.

Dr. David Banner

Yep, in fact, the twist is the only thing that makes this otherwise mediocre movie worth watching in the first place.

I can however, judge it based on the past 10 years of Sony movies being big-ole-piles-o-shit.

The reason Cryptocurrencies will never become a legit currency is that dipshits like him turn it into a ponzie scheme. The price of bitcoin (and others) only continues to rise because more and more people are convinced that they are valuable and will keep growing. The more people buy into bitcoin, the more valuable it

Eh... seems pretty clear that by the end of the movie, he’s going to realize that being friends with the girl is what he actually wants, and he’s going to just put it back to how it was.

Sure, the sensor for the phone is used to shoot it, and that’s fine, but are they attaching different lenses? They’re definitely not using the iPhone mic. Is all of it handheld or are there crane/dolly shots? I promise it’s not the same setup you could put together in your living room.

Speaking of the Mirror Universe and Saru, does Burnham ever come clean about that lie?

Is Bright a masterpiece of film making that goes over the heads of critics: No

I’m glad to hear that it’s enjoyable to far, because all of the trailers looked pretty shit and I was worried this was going to be just like that Steel movie with Shaq.

There was this kid in high school who’d pitch my friends and I these inventions. Only problem was, he was so weird and unlikable, and presented them in the least effective way possible. We dismissed his ideas and generally made fun of him.

Congrats on making the argument that there is no such thing as wealth outside of food and shelter. Anything can lose it’s value if people decide it’s not worth anything.

Yeah, but at least stocks are at least sort of linked to how well the company is doing, or at least their public image. If a stock price drops like a stone or takes off like a rocket, you can generally point to a specific set of things that caused it. Maybe you can’t see those things happening at the time, but