Nick Foote

Everyone thinks that Gigabit internet is overkill for home speed, and that is true for the media we’re accessing right now, but when more people have faster internet, the quality on the media they watch will increase as well. We’ll be able to watch Netflix at 4K resolution while someone else in the house plays an

I have a theory that Microsoft can only actually follow through with detecting pirated software if it’s software that is sold in the Microsoft App Store or a Microsoft product itself, because otherwise, how would they actually check the validity of the license? Are they going to check serial numbers with Adobe and

Well, sounds like Win 10 only scans for pirated software (or hardware?) and I have a feeling that it only has the capability to detect that for applications that are sold in the Microsoft App Store.

It’s interesting how when robots are moving quickly, they a re always programmed to basically keep their torso at the same height so as not to damage anything, while humans running motion makes their body bounce up and down.

Literally every law has to have exceptions in certain cases. I understand if someone is against abortion, but this whole “no abortions, ever, for anyone, under any circumstance” shit needs to end because it’s completely unrealistic. Hell, killing someone has tons of exceptions even though we consider that to be a

I love destruction in games, and so far the best one was Battlefield Bad Company 2, but by the middle of the match, everything had been blown up and there was no cover, so it was harder. Dice then dialed back how much of the environment can be destroyed on BF3, BF4, and BF Hardline, which is too bad. Hopefully

Kingsman was generally a really good movie with pretty good VFX, but there was one shot in the trailer that looked horrible, and I figured it was an early draft, and it would be improved for the theatrical release of the movie. Nope, it’s a scene near the end where Eggsy is running through corridors and flips over a

They did a pretty good job of getting the characters to look like Little Finger (Aidan Gillen) and Shawn Ashmore, the actors that voice them.

I felt the same way as you, but I was so sure there was going to be a payoff that I started skipping through some scenes that looked unimportant. Each episodes was starting to feel like it was 3 hours. There were some cool chase and fight scenes, to pick up the pace, but I literally know nothing about the group that

While the Nolan Batman films were great, it unfortunately got the idea in everyone’s heads that comic book movies will be very successful if they are more real and gritty. Batman sort of makes sense to be done dark and gritty, but most super heroes are weird, and do not make sense in a realistic world. So just stop

Whatever, I’ll just watch the highlights on next week’s The Daily Show...

I can’t believe they left Hawkeye off the poster, he’s pretty much the main character of Age of Ultron!

So, I just want to clarify, were there magnetic rails hidden in the ground that it was essentially attached to? Or could you ride this thing anywhere? I don’t think it’s possible without the rails, and in certain parts of the video it looks like that’s the case, but no one states it outright.

Wait wait wait... Twitch streamers have managers?

My idea is that rather than have to turn them on, they record all the time, unless you press a Snooze type button that stops recording for 5, 10, 30 minutes, whatever. So it’s always recording, so if something happens, it get’s recorded, but if they’re going to the bathroom, they press the button and it turns it off

Especially considering in Google Chrome, you are able to set the search engine to be Bing if you want to ...not that anyone has ever done that to my knowledge. I can see how Contana would use your search history to give you better results or suggestions, and it probably can’t do that with Google as the search engine,

That second video is 3 hours long, care to let us know when the highlights are?

While generally I don’t have a huge problem with the most of the CGI additions, that stuff in Mos Eisley with the creatures, looks like total shit. Are we sure that 2011 special edition wasn’t actually made in 1999, and released in 2011, because I swear CGI was better than that, especially considering that was ILM

Oh no, it gets even more specific than that for me. At the end of every season (starting at like season 2 or 3) one brother either leaves or is sent somewhere (hell, purgatory, possessed with the devil’s soul, whatever). Then at the opening of the next season they are reunited. Then for the rest of the season, both

I called it quits on Bones when they did that computer virus written on the bones things...