Nick Foote

Phillip J. Fry

The thing is, you can't just twist the screw driver, you have to apply force so that the lock cylinder will spin around it's center point, but you can't put the screw driver there, because that is generally where the pin manipulator thing needs to go. So it's tricky to do it with a screw driver, but possible.

The hardest part of using something other than actual lock picks to pick a lock is making the torque piece out of cylindrical material. You have to fold it so it doesn't just spin in the keyhole, and it's generally a pain to get it made right.

Now playing

Literally the only music that would have been more dramatic is:

It obviously doesn't work as well if you're arguing with the person due to a disagreement, but if you get out of your depth when talking about technical subjects, you should definitely say that you don't know, and you should definitely follow that up by asking the person to explain it to you. They won't think you're

I hear ya. The only aspect I find interesting is that it's a twist on the classic monkeys-with-typewriters-will-eventually-write-Shakespeare scenario, except now the monkeys know what their goal is, and some of the monkeys are actively trying to sabotage or fuck with the others.

At one point in my life I thought I would go into web design, but as a high school kid I made my first website for someone else, and it was a nightmare. Not from a technical standpoint exactly, but because the product is so dependent on the whims and tastes of the client that I was making changes and undoing a lot of

I'm glad with the way he looks in the final shot. It actually reminds me of an Alligator Snapping Turtle, which are mother-fucking bad-asses.

Jesus... it's a real life version of the Fern Gully deforester!

Mostly I learned that what kind of work I never wanted to do again, and it motivated me to get an internship with an engineering company. I know I never want to work in a salesman role again (and I don't ever want to work in food services).

One of the my favorite improvments from Rami's Spider-Man, is that Peter Parker is actually smart. In the Rami films we basically only get Doctor Connors saying "you're really smart, you just need to show up to class", he answers one physics question right in class, and during the Doc Oc interview he seems to

Seriously, I really liked that aspect of the first movie, that he told Gwen fairly early in, instead of dragging that shit out for two entire movies like Rami did. Don't get me wrong, the reveal was much more powerful in Rami's 2nd movie with the Doc-Oc-fight-holding-up-the-building-reveal than Webb's

No No No No. Look, you go ahead the do all the Clone War shit you want to do Lucas, we all sort of deny as being legitimate canon on some level anyways, but do not fuck with rebellion part of the timeline anymore than you already have.

I was never able to get over the asymmetrical placement of the cockpit, it always annoyed me. So I'm more partial to the Slave 1

I see a lot of good ships here, but only one has such awesome features as The Chompers and the Omega 13.

I'm happy to see (right around the 10 minute mark) that they have realistic lock picking. You have a certain number of pins to unlock, and it isn't just a matter of the angle of your pick like Skyrim.

This looks like it could be run by a Dungeon Master to make some great scenarios. It also looks like it will undoubtedly be a breeding-ground for admin abuse.

You know how nearly every super hero movie has the hero fighting some street thug or otherwise normal human in the first or second act of the movie, because then when the real villain comes along we see that it's out of the ordinary and they are much more powerful than the average bad guy the hero has to deal with?

Please Google Fiber, save us all!

That's the short version, here is the longer, funnier version of this same realization.