Nick Foote

To do more powerful things, you need to stack shields. Currently I've got a project to make a small robot powered by Arduino, and it uses two Motor Shields for 4 motors, and an USB Shield that I plug a usb bluetooth dongle into so I can control the robot with a PS3 controller. I've also used a XBox 360 controller, but

Java is kind of a bitch, and the Ardiuno programming is not as easy as Python, but I found it much easier than most languages to use.

I don't disagree that men in movies are over sexualized as well, but I think the main flaw with this argument is that I can think of plenty of actors that would be considered ugly or at least not very attractive, yet are highly skilled actors in huge roles (Philip Seymore Hoffman, Steve Buscemi, Christopher Walken,

I would just like to point out that they did this in what is basically an above ground pool with a platform surrounding it, and they did that because it is a total bitch to clean up. If you had to get that amount out of a pool, it would take forever. They can just throw that tarp away when they're done.

I didn't follow an exact guide or anything, but most of the Arduino electronics and coding is based off what they are using for the ShapeOko project. I did all of the mechanical things off my own designs though (for one, mine is 4'x4' rather than 8"x8"). I highly recommend looking at the awesome things they have done.

I made my own CNC mill (2.5 axis) with an Arduino. It uses a DeWalt rotuer as the spindle, so it's not the most powerful CNC, but it gets the job done for my personal projects, like building a small robot powered by an Arduino.

I scored high on this, but I think it's thrown off by my Schizoid tendencies. For instance: I am highly empathetic, however, I don't feel emotions that strongly myself. I don't get very happy, or very sad, and I hardly ever get angry. All my emotions are lessened. That makes me very analytically and perceptive though,

I think the main reason the Machine's message is disturbing is the way Root says it, and then giggles at the end. I can think of some ways to say those same words and not be so creepy. Also, I think considering that Control wasn't someone that wanted to make sure the Machine was ok but want to take it and use it (very

Good, being a troll isn't always about being a total dick. I'm glad that most of those people caught the trick before it actually signed them out. Plus, we got to hear them freaking out rather than it just disconnecting them.

Honestly, I'm not impressed with very high resolution textures and models alone. I think the next step in game graphics is dynamics. I'm talking about procedural destruction rather than an object that breaks the same way every time (Battlefield); buildings that can actually be taken apart piece by piece until they

I'm glad someone remembers Jake 2.0. It did seem more like Jake 2.0 than Chuck, but with a little Mission Impossible thrown in. He unlocks the door at the beginning, but after than I don't see him "hacking" other things, just viewing information (which, admittedly, probably require some amount of hacking, such as the

Aw yes, Deagle is my favorite. I'd choose that over pretty much all of the rifles in the game.

Darn, when I read that Toad was making an appearance, I was glad. I don't give a shit about the character of Toad, but I do like Ray Park. Too bad.

I can see why fanboys would be angry about this change, but I think it's a good idea, because as strange as Superman's origin story is, Wonder Woman's is stranger, and so I don't think they could do a good origin story for Wonder Woman without making it too weird. Introducing her in another movie seems a better way to

It looks like we're both partially right. For 2013 it looks like they get through about half the season airing weekly new episodes, and then the other half are about once a month. There were also only 10 episodes for 2013, when there were 20-23 in previous years.

I think that Adam, Jamie, Grant, Kari, and Tory do so much extra stuff, and myths are becoming harder to come up with, that they are just airing an episode as soon as it is ready rather than on a weekly basis. They don't really have "seasons" because they haven't aired a new episode at least two weeks in row for a

I am just starting to watch it now, and it took me a couple episodes to finally realize that I recognized a bunch of the locations. I was like, "Oh shit! I know where that is!"

4K video's are cool and all, but can Youtube please focus on playing normal quality video's during peak times first? Youtube is practically unusable from 6pm-11pm.

Yeah, especially if all they did was download someone else's DDOS tool. To call that hacking would be like saying they masterfully lock picked a door, when they actually used a friend's car to ram it down.

Thanks for bringing this up, I hate how poorly the power stats are labeled on some chargers. They'll say the volts, or they'll say the amps, often times only one of the two will be displayed, and by themselves, they are basically useless.