Nick Foote

I also like building robots in my spare time, so I think I'm always going to have a place in this world.

I'm in IT, so I figure there will always be shit to fix.

I'm confused, why were they so close to each other in the first place? The sky is huge, and those planes are small, how did they not see each other?

Having seen her in Thor, and as the detached, yet still kind of good person on Kyle XY, I think she's a perfect fit for Wonder Woman.

God damn it Verizon, fuck you and not having the Nexus 5 as an option. At this point I'm pretty sure I'm going to be switching to T-Mobile.

To clarify: 65 Million Active accounts with daily peaks of 6 million users at the same time. Only 50% of Xbox Live accounts are Gold accounts (as of 2010 stats). PSN has 110 Million users.

I think her costume is just body paint, so the nipples are still showing.

Imagine if Microsoft made people pay an upgrade from Windows 8 to 8.1, or if they charged for Service Packs. How retarded would that be? Apple's OSX releases are really not large enough changes from the previous year's version that it should be a paid item, and it doesn't make sense that they'd charge for Mac OSX

I really liked how the animation style changed to be more old asian folk-tale type feel to it.

The night scene looks like Riddick vision.

My nominee is Guess Who

I don't get it, I'm in IT, my closest friends are all very technical people, and we never have our phones out when we're talking to each other. You'd think that since we're bigger tech geeks that we'd have them glued to our hands, but we seem to be able to refrain, and I still don't know if my best friend has an

The point of filming in 3D is to force what you have to look at in a scene by making it so everything else is out of focus and gives you a headache if you look at it. That's why I don't like 3D films, because they are designed to make it so you can only see parts of the film with your peripheral vision.

To be fair, Aquaman's real power is being the King of Atlantis and all of the ocean.

I'm not great at any one programming language, but I can pick up new languages really quickly and get some specific program written to suit my current need since I'm really good at the logic part of programming. I usually do it by finding other programs that already have the correct syntax that I don't yet know, and

So, hardware specs say Bluetooth 3.0, but Bluetooth specific specs say 4.0. Also, I couldn't find what kind of screen it is, I would hope OLED. Would have like USB 3.0 for faster pc charging and data, but eh. Also, I'm glad to see 802.11n, but I was hoping it might also have 802.11ac.

Aaron Eckhart, you confuse me with your choice of roles. They usually seem much more dignified...

I thought it was closer to a Space Balls reference than anything.

Or the weapon in Chronicles of Riddick, but that wasn't made by Whedon, so...

I've used a hammer to break apart 3D printed parts (made of ABS like this hammer) and let me tell you, that hammer will work about as well as a hammer made of LEGO's would.