Nick Foote

So it's like Windows Mountain 8? Or would it be Windows Snow 8?

If Apple can win a lawsuit because another tablet is rectangular and has buttons, then I think being a grey animal, with a pop-tart body, and pooping a rainbow is clearly enough to say that they are functionally the same thing, not to mention, they literally call it Nyan Cat. And the only reason it isn't 8-bit is

The Green Album is one my my favorites, but what I think is unique about it is that it's the only album I've ever listened to that I truly like every song on it. Pretty much every other album in history has 1-3 gems, 4-5 mehs, and the rest are filler crap, but not the Green Album, several gems, and the rest are at

I used to wish I could make friends, but now I made robots instead.

Well shit, there is no way I will be able to take Mazer's tough lessons seriously if he's doing it with those ridiculous face tats.

I know you guys consider Person of Interest to be scifi already, but I still think that it's basically Batman is he was split into two characters.

I think having the info dump and only lightly touching on the origin story was one of the redeeming features on Superman Returns. They get right into the action because literally everyone knows Superman's origin. They blow that opportunity in a grand fashion, but at least they did the origin info dump right.

Yeah, but Smallville was dragged out over 10 years, that's got to count for more than one.

This all looks beautiful, but I've been watching technical demo's for dynamic fluids, destruction physics, and advanced lighting for years, and the only thing they've ever actually put into games is the lighting part, and it's still years behind what is being demo'd, not to mention most of the advanced lighting they

Also, if you give me an hour and a half, I can go walk by the White House after work and take a picture for you to verify. I haven't heard sirens, and I work 4 blocks from the White House, so I assume I'd hear something if there actually had been explosions.

Even though they were named Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, they always seemed more like early 20's college kids...

I'm in IT, and so far this morning I've seen tons of issues. It looks like mail in the web interface it working again, but if it's added to a phone or other application, it's probably not going to work. The Google Apps admin control panels are not working at all though.

Sweet! I love robots (I'm working on my own Raspberry Pi powered one right now), but after seeing a picture of the person financing the whole thing, I'm a tad concerned...

Next time the UN meets, can we pass some kind of international agreement that bans those pants that are the hideous offspring of skinny jeans and parachute pants please?

That looks really cool. I would imagine that they basically have the walls, ceiling some of the furniture and the camera, all on a rig that wheels around the floor. Then when it moves, it looks like the floor, the guy, and the chair/couch are moving around. That's a pretty neat effect.

Another attribute that makes the two very similar is that if it were not for the relatively simple effect, the whole video would be horribly unremarkable. Just a dude walking along a street and his friends keep messing with him and he jumps and stuff.

I find that I learn the best when I'm on my own and winging it, but it really helps to have some sort of group show off to, get good critiques from, and be able to ask obscure questions to without being yelled at for posting in the wrong sub-forum. So even if you're the loner type like me, at least find some people

Reddit could be up there if it weren't for the fact that you delete your comments and then your entire account as soon as someone you know figures out your username. I guess that's why I like it, it's an anti-social network.

Ha, add a spring and you've got yourself a high-capacity Pringles magazine.

Everything looks cooler in slow motion, and everything sounds epic when you've got a soundtrack by Daft Punk. That was part of the Tron Legacy soundtrack right?