
Sniffing jockstraps of the wealthy isn’t a good look either.

Induced demand. You absolutely cannot solve traffic problems with more lanes of traffic. The only solution is transit. We build ever bigger highways, massively increasing maintenance costs and the traffic just fills the space. It’s lunacy and it’s going to bankrupt us.

The food, the people, the history, the fact that they avoided sacrificing a million of their citizens to the gaping maw of capitalism. Stuff like that.

Here come the China-haters. Propaganda is a hell of a drug folks, even when the US does it.

Based on my experience with the 7.3L powerstroke, and with all the stuff strapped to this thing, boosting it to 444 HP will move it from “insanely slow” to “tolerably slow”.

Sounds a little like a Western to me. Or like it could be the music for Dances with Wolves.

Nowhere is the “anecdote masquerading as fact” problem more prevalent than among car people.

Mileage goes down in winter for several reasons, not least of which is the winter gas blend, which is different from the stuff that goes in the tank in the summer.

We can’t, so we should probably work on the stuff we can control.

What is the probability that he hits another deer? Another two? Three?

What is the probability that he hits another deer? Another two? Three? Ultimately making modifications to your car to avoid a probability you can’t quantify doesn’t make much sense. He should just put a bull bar on the front!

I have up to a dozen deer on my property on any given day. Never hit one.

Well, there’s definitely one fewer deer.

Statistically, his odds of hitting two deer in his life are much lower than his odds of hitting one deer in his life.

I’d say that since you’ve just hit a deer the statistical likelihood of hitting another one anytime soon is low so you should just go with whatever you like the look of. I’m a symmetry guy so that unbalanced look would be a hearty “no” from me. But you’re the one that has to look at it...when you’re not driving.

If advertising doesn’t work, then the car companies should have no issue with this.

Right, but of course...teens have less driving experience in general because they’re younger! So the problem we have is turnover, losing experienced drivers. Therefore, not addressing the reasons for turnover (bad pay, terrible hours, shitty working conditions) and instead just trying to leverage a new crop of people

Pictured: a perfectly designed way of increasing fender benders twenty-fold.

Read the article. 18-20 year olds are more likely to get in accidents. Much more likely. 

I agree, from our perspective. If you happen to be a wealthy oligarch, things might appear to be working perfectly. And since they wholesale own the government, I expect their perspective to continue being the only one that “matters”. We’re not voting our way out of this.