El Huervo

Me and my collegues have been talking about this alot. And a good example of solid excentric design comes from From Soft who, naturally, does not seem to care too much about feedback. So, as the old artist adage goes; do not give them what they want, give them what they need.

It seems like, to me, that all real artists (those who have a passion and went through formal/informal training) hate this AI art thing and those who are not artists love it. Are we artists not the ones who own this field due to our spiritual investement into it? Why should we listen to people who dont even know or

Well put, theres this saying ”when in Rome”…etc. But techies are often like that, full of masculine ego and lack of emotional connection. ”Here I am! Therefore you must adhere my existence on my terms!” Uh hu, no when you enter a new room you read it first, not just start swinging your dick around. But they feel

Prolly the most sane reply in this whole thread.

Uh what? Extremely privileged people are the only ones who have the ability to become artists? I understand that youve percieved this idea yourself and then taken it for truth without actually checking if there is any vadility behind it.

Humans dont need art haha! Classic dunning kreuger answer my friend. Why do you think we have anything at all advanced in society? Because of culture. How is culture expressed? Through art.

Yes, and this the kind of answer we get from folks who are educated and intelligent, not merely splurting out general klische ideas about biology to further their robotics romancies.

Ehum, this only applies if you think of art as result-based as opposed to process-based. The process of making art comes from trying to understamd your experience of the world, reality as it were. Or to map outnthe soul, for lack of better words.

She jist wants her jard work to be acknowledged and respected not just from an immaterial standpoint.

The franchise is worth alot more than sales. Its a huge IP and whoever owns it is worth alot more for that fact. Why do you think all these mergers exist? Value is in the IP alot of times, not crass sales-numbers. 

Its just a boring ass convo this thing because what is essentially wrong is our approach to culture and how it is result-based and not process-based. How can it jack-up artists output if it enables less interaction with the actual making of art, which is essentially what making art is all about? So fucking stupid and

This kind of thinking was not good in the 50s and its not good today either. What are you scared of? Having to explain how humans are made? Or why dad looses control when the babysitter walks by?

Could also not have anything to do with the type of animal per se but rather the fact that Bonobos are the only animal on earth who solve conflicts through love rather than violence, and the person who named it focused on this fact (albeit perhaps still unfittingly so since the context is very sensitive and demands

The tone is not cool in this article. Obviously its a shame this guy is not taking a stand. But the proverb “its good to think freely but better to think correct” comes to mind and is a kinda fascist way to approach change. Do you think he is going to come around by being scolded? Is the argument that you are right

Some go forward and create and some stay behind to criticize.

You are lazy, there are no two ways around it. Trying to justify it by some contrived imperical truth is like....ok, thats just like your opinion man.

From FromSoftwares website:

Furthermore, making games is by and large a collaborative effort.

Im just real tired of the low intellectual level this discussion always has. The developer is the one who puts in the hours, they are allowed to do what they want. Obviously alot of people like it. You dont seem to like it and justify your outsiderness by criticizing the work without engaging with it on its own terms

There are two kinds of people in this world; those go out and make something, and those who come after to criticize. 

No it does not. While piracy is morally dubious it does not deserve the harsh punishment it recieves by our overly capitalist culture. Like its the worst thing anyone could do! They are just making an example of this poor guy. And its not like he even put a dent in their treasure coffin