
Okay, so are you ready for the punchline?

I remember campaigning for Obama in 2008. I was selected to give a speech to introduce him at a rally, after which, he thanked me by name on television. After his rally, I met him backstage and had photos taken.

Aaron Hernadez hanged himself this morning in his single cell, with a bed sheet tied to the window. But at least two people are wondering whether Hernandez really hanged himself: his lawyer and his agent. 

This series just further illustrates Lebron’s genius. That 2 seed was no accident.

The best response to Russo calling all wrestling fans gay comes from, as one might expect, Jim Cornette. Corny said that this likely stems from Russo’s lack of success with either men or women. Furthermore, Cornette said that all that’s left for Russo are inflatable sheep, “because even a self-respecting living sheep

This is a bad take.

Falling in line every time JUST MOVES THE FUCKING LINE.

Counter counterpoint: he has made all his legal remedies more valuable and effective by raising the stakes.

This whole “OBEY ANY AND EVERY ORDER YOU ARE GIVEN OR YOUR HUMAN RIGHTS ARE FORFEIT” deal aboard airliners is getting really old.

“I beg to differ.”

I’m a full grown 40s adult with shit going on. I play 6-8 games a year. That hour a day before my wife comes home is a laugh and sometimes when she’s out with a buddy on weekends. Because of the low amount of games I always get the winners too, heavily vetted and I know exactly what I want. . and cheap. I’m a 90s

The KKK never really took off in Arizona as it’s a lot of letters to remember.

I wonder why Jon Chait didn’t get that same sense of welcoming from his women friends.

Speaking as a resident of Sacramento... thank you, Deadspin, for helping rid us of this disgraceful piece of shit!

I wrestled for 10 years, including two at the college level. Wrestling is so draining and mentally fatiguing, it is not uncommon for people to lose it like that, both winning and losing. Top on some Japanese culture, never losing in the Olympics, and you get that picture.

Sorry but giving it to Simmons would not be worse.

This is exactly why I don’t get out of bed in the morning. Like, fuck a 50% chance of dying!

Is now really a time to be making jokes? A referee was just Zlatan the face!

“Jesus, thats pretty bad. Ten games”

That was one of the most incredible moments I’ve ever seen. Here I am “holding back” tears out of pure selfishness, because I don’t want this guy to go away. Yet, I know he has to for his own well being. Its all so damn conflicting, but I’m glad he made the right choice, it’d be awful to see a genuinely nice guy (or