
Flair’s run to get the title from Vader and the aftermath of that is better than any WCW championship run before it or after.

I had the privilege of working with someone who was as close to Geoff as anyone can possibly be... Before the infamous Thomas Robinson draft, this person told me that Geoff wanted Lillard but that he was going to be overridden if T-Rob was available. That kind of crap happened all the time. Petrie never lost his

Good stuff. I would also recommend The History of Rome podcast. Just dozens and dozens of 15-30 minute episodes that go from Romulus to the exile of Romulus Augustus. Very good listening as well for a broader story of the empire.

Been trying to think of what to write to express my sadness... then realized I already wrote it. About Stuart Scott. Ditto for John Saunders. Good people who loved their families and who were such amazing role models... not just “for the black community” but for anyone who was paying any bit of attention.

Chris Hansen is the scum of the earth. If Seattle wants a team, they need to get away from him. His antics with STOP in Sacramento have made him persona non grata in the NBA.

Premium sports rights fees will continue to grow, but the sports that don’t bring a proven, dedicated audience are going to find the speculators unwilling to dive in as deep as they used to. So that means, everyone who isn’t the NFL and March Madness had better start finding other revenue sources (ironically, exactly

As a lifelong wrestling fan who was an avid watcher of all things wrestling in Chyna’s peak years (though I am now a Lapsed Fan), I have to say that I am pleasantly surprised by the outpouring from women about the impact that Chyna had on their lives.

Dallas Braden. The Most 209 Pic Ever.

Food safety, yes. Food consumption choices, no.

I would never, ever drink raw milk. Nor do I believe it’s the government’s place to tell people that they can’t drink raw milk. That’s up to them. If they want to be idiots, have at it.

This sounds witty?


This is a horrible draw. Because it’s soccer. And there is no good soccer.

This video absolutely proves two things...

Right outside Danny Tanner’s house

As a longtime Sanders supporter, and a vocal one at that, I hate these fucking cocks. They should go back to their rugby games and stay the hell out of serious politics.

I think DFS is stupid, and the people who play it are troglodytes. However, why hasn’t there been a discussion of government overreach here? It’s a person’s money. If they want to spend it on beer, gambling, women... Whatever. As long as information is made available to the public on expected value and odds, why

As a former Full Tilt player, I can't stress that last point enough.