Nick Cave's Moustache

Looking forward to the Purge. And no, not the one that follows a binge on what will probably be the worst pizza.

FTFY, herbs be damned.

“My legacy is secure,” he announced in a speech to the Federalist Society in November. “It’s fine by me if I’m ever known as the ‘pizza justice.’”

Even crying rapists like pizza!

The #1 thing I learned from Achewood is that being in trouble is a fake idea.

They weren’t even done tattooing the teardrop by her eye!!

They’re real, sentient, thinking and feeling beings, living happy lives inside the dream of a god, and by waking up said god, you’ve murdered every single person you met on that island. Congratulations. You won.

“romances fleeting and lasting alike”

The movie gets such a bad rap, but I adore it (I’m a huge fan of the books as well).

Hate to say it, but D&D made the right decision and maintained a holistic vision for the show’s ending. Excellent direction would have been jarring alongside piddle-poor writing.

As long as they don’t garnish them with ketchup, hey o.

Oh, and before any whinging cunt harps on about “acid attacks” - pissflap, please. Where was your indignation when Jo Cox was assassinated by one of your fellow right-wing nutjobs? Exactly.  Sit down, shut the fuck up and play with yourselves.

I think that’s about it. It’s not about being healthy, so much as  it’s about getting people to eat less meat for environmental reasons. 

I mean, I hate myself quite a bit, but I don’t think the two are related.

These are the jokes, son. Gotta keep your head up or they’ll fly right over you!

lol I love it. Yea, the reason why we’re poor is bcwe bought a nice mug and not because our wages haven’t increased in decades ha

Yeah, I love these types of articles and the people who seem to think people in poverty should have to deal with 100 percent more inconvenience and never spend anything not absolutely necessary. 

“You don’t need a cellphone. You don’t need Internet, go to library. Why do you have a computer, anyway, you don’t need

ugh, militant carnivores are way more obnoxious than militant vegans and there are way more of them out there.  Just accept that you don’t get it and stop tilting at windmills.

We don’t take kindly to eugenics round these parts.