Nick Cave's Moustache

If I have been watching TV at your house, chances are that I grabbed the remote and turned this feature off when you weren’t looking.

It is almost like the ape species known as homo sapiens is an opportunistic omnivore that craves occasional animal protein much like its closest living relative, the chimpanzee (pan troglodytes).

Maybe people who have gone vegan/vegetarian for whatever reason still like the taste of tuna and would like something that has that taste. How about you let people eat what they want to eat and leave it at that?

One of my family members has been vegetarian half my lifetime, and still to this day pines for Arby’s roast beef. Ethics and tastes do not always harmonize, you like what you like, even when you stop having it.

If this negatively affects Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared, mark my words, I will say a naughty word or two on the internet in response. Don’t think I won’t!

“You people”

Kindly go fuck yourself.

Getting your ass kicked by Mike Ness, apparently.

When a ‘90s Malibu needs new tires, I’m pretty sure it’s considered totaled.

We had an immigration prior to ICE. ICE is not fundamental to our immigration policy. ICE did not exist prior to 2003.

Good.  I hope he rots in hell for what he did to his kids. 

Rot, motherfucker. 

By all accounts, he pushed his children extremely hard

Excuse you, Elmer Fudd vs. Batman was amazing.

I got behind them simply because they were good.

But wait, if he has a daughter, how can he not know that sexual harassment is wrong?