Seven misfortunes, there’s an outside chance. But nine misfortunes? I’d like to see that!
Seven misfortunes, there’s an outside chance. But nine misfortunes? I’d like to see that!
Fairly sure that was every AVClubber’s first thought.
Anyone else hear about this and think “oh great, how’d they screw up the anthem...” then watch it and go “people are freaking out about this? We’ve got a Russian President in office and people are freaking out about this? I’m just going to go back to sleep.”
I’ve never understood the fascination with Motley Crüe. They’re basically KISS, except every member is as boorish as Gene Simmons, as wasted as Ace Frehley, as narcissistic as Paul Stanley, and as talentless as Peter Criss.
His visit to the rum museum was classic. The exasperation of the tour guide...
Venom is a totally lame, everyone!
Sy was such an entertaining character. Every scene w/ him killed me.
it’s time to let cooler heads prevail and not get so hot under the collar.
Somebody has got their panties in a twist.
Swango’s last scene was a gut punch.