
Goddamnit it I thought this was going to be a serious thing, started to enjoy... then...

the sensation of continuing decay is what made this soooo good

Fuck it. lets just move the whole damn thing. (from Ringworld's Children)

I find your lack of Deadpool disturbing

Hey I have a sword that glows blue like that, but not because orcs are near (its stats are +2 to cancer checks, +1 against Ice Creatures)

'which the TSA didn't want to publicize' is code for 'This will give TSA more overtime'

there is not enough angst/robots/poorly interpreted scifi themes/poorly done backgrounds for this to be real life manga

I can't go to work dude, there is an argument about exactly how a guy walked thirty some odd feet 40 years ago!

I am right there with you Corpore-M, but I just don't see evidence in the Culture series for this type of behavior.

"I wonder if the Minds have conflicts or issues we humans simply can't understand?"

Well damn, now it is down.

my thoughts exactly.

"Sometimes there’s no point in giving up."

One more to add, shrink tubes. these little buggers make everything wire related cleaner looking when done.

yeah the adds, but other than that *nope*

The damages people Like Kincaid did to the public canon of knowledge used to be negligent. In fact their creative rantings about stickers on the back of road signs and black hawk helicopters were a gift, allowing the public access to a special kind of eccentric to which all other human endeavors could be compared.

If you don't stop spamming I will review your 'work'. And lets be honest, that won't be pleasant for either of us.

"U.S. government isn't all that in favor of funding research or science"

Q: Why is the 5th Edition of Dungeons & Dragons a big deal?