nick's after the gnarly necter.. 800.

Am I only the one that doesn't think this is a "giant leap forward," also, can companies not call their own products "amazing".. please?

@Kakkoii: I think pot should be legal ( along with just about all drugs and prostitution ), it just wasn't funny at all.

@Kakkoii: that was one of the worst things I've ever seen.

@aboldish: You could play as Peach in Mario 2.

@the_real_d34dh0r53: they're comedy writers for an internet website. what are you expecting?

Side note, kind of obvious, but girls who look like they'll put out quicker will get more contacts on the internet and in real life.

I never understood people who present themselves physically as something less or more than they are as though if they just "get their foot in the door" then they'll look past whatever "deficiency" the person thinks they have. It's more likely that they'll just be severely disappointed.

@RacecarBoobTat: Grease can be removed with hot water and a wash cloth.

@chauncy that billups: eh, not using deodorant if you sweat and your sweat smells will make you stink, but not using soap won't affect it much. I've gone weeks without shampoo and without using body soap ( always use sulfur soap on face and wash hands etc ). It won't make me or anyone smell bad to not use a fragrance

@jcrane2: My normal ( read, not after workout ) body temperature is 97.7. There were quite a few times when I was a kid when I thought I had a fever and temp came in at 99, followed by a swift "you're fine!" , always ended up over 100 a couple hours later.

@shufflemoomin: it's copper, it was copper colored before it was green.

@mfnher: Kind of depends on the environment. Highly filtered closed-air condo environment vs leaving it out on your table in the burbs with your back door open and huge heat swings during the day and night..

@smegz: Is that how it works? This occurred for me too, purchased the laptop and got applecare, after a few months experienced video card problems, got it back. I can get in on the settlement?


@verspasian: Notebooks weren't really used for productivity by most people either. I think that's kind of what's going on.

looks like a cylon camera

the way they cut the trailer makes me feel like this movie is going to suck. =/

yea, not going to happen.

Education is 75% about motivation right now regardless. the other 25% having direct access to certain equipment and certain minds. While putting the lectures online will increase the latter, still not the same as being able to directly ask them questions or be in a classroom with other people trying to solve the same