so... where are they now? Why aren't they used as modern art?
so... where are they now? Why aren't they used as modern art?
that is hilarious
they're called land-sea-lions.. I tame them.
I still don't understand why most people who have these phones even have them.
Full on green screens are pretty detrimental to acting.
@secret_curse: Except cut that in half because the computers are on most of the day regardless. 1.6 mil is not a reasonable estimate. It's a "make a headline" figure.
@nick's after the gnarly necter.. 800.: *note - I am not defending this guy's theft, over-use of computer energy, no generally terribly work ethic. Just the fact that a single line "downloaded porn" has made this guy a porn-addicted deviant.
@tonalanswer: aaaand? Was he doing it in the back of a class-room, or was it a private office in an administrative building? Or am I the only one that cares about details and doesn't just make veiled holier than thou jokes about aliens and porn.
@witeowl: He's a district IT person, he probably sits alone in an office for 40-50 hours a week.
why is everyone making such a big deal out of the statement "downloaded pornography."
I'd really like to see how they milked the energy usage to be 1.2 to 1.6 million dollars.
@RT100: unless the tech is a new car #gadgetflowchart