
A cab driver almost hit me on my bike two years ago when I had to swerve to avoid a pedestrian who stepped into the bike lane on Bleecker. He also honked his horn. The press never reported anything about it.

Little hint, if you’re gonna be this open and vocal with your opinions, try to do the minimum research to at least make them informed opinions. It’ll save your ego a lot earned but brutal beatings.

Peter Thiel’s fund is a major investor in Lyft. So when you support Lyft you’re enriching that secret-lawsuit-funding, Trump-supporting muppet.

I have first hand knowledge of what’s involved in bringing over people from Iraq (The hospital nurse and her lawyer husband who saved “Private Jessica” in the early days of the Iraq War).

Here’s the thing, though: It’s honestly not hard at all to make a version of this that’s faithful to the spirit of Cable’s origin that isn’t too complicated.


I still use Firefox for its stability. Chrome is just bloated with running .exe’s for each open browser tab.

How is he going to watch Yankees games now?!

I hate when these people start rioting and destroying their own neighborhoods...

I wonder how many of these were TVs that they were planning on replacing anyway and are staging this for net fame?

Yes! I legit love that movie and think the way it broke down the financial crisis so the audience could understand it was not given enough credit.

“Look we get it, Sandusky was bad. JoePa was bad, Larry Moe and Curley were bad.”

Maybe it will be good for Penn State to get a sense of how it feels to have its case ignored.

Think of all the healing that could have happened if they let Penn State in!

Don’t try to bring your trolling and propaganda bullshit to my thread.

It’s painfully true that Obama has not shown courage on this one. I can’t even imagine what’s stopping him, now that the election has been lost and you’d think there’s nothing left to lose.

Umm, you know Obama is still president right? You also know that Hillary released this statement during her campaign:

Ain’t it funny how all these white people are so concerned about “safety” and the “well-being” of these poor not-white folks, now, this week.