
George Burns was a smoker.

Because all sane people know it to be true. I guess the buyout caused a regression on this issue.

Because all sane people know it to be true. I guess the buyout caused a regression on this issue.

That pizza is gross and John is an ignorant teabagger. He says the ACA will force him to raise his pizzas 25 cents. Well, fine. Actually, it’s only 10 cents, but still fine. And if he’s that concerned about money why does he give away 1 million pizzas and dozens of franchises to quarterbacks?

That pizza is gross and John is an ignorant teabagger. He says the ACA will force him to raise his pizzas 25 cents.

Cattle Prod - love so tender just fall off the bone....

Not calling out/ignoring racism is a proud white tradition, which is a huge reason why we’re here in the first place.

The most awesome thing about this is how much damage it will do to the people who actually voted for this person.

This is the worst kind of argumentation. You see those Johnson voters? The ones that quadrupled Stein’s turnout in those states? They weren’t leaning Clinton. If anything, they siphoned off traditionally Republican-leaning voters. They weren’t disaffected Bernie Bros.

There are some serious logical fallacies going on here. The places that the Tigers were adopted from don’t exist because LSU is willing to adopt from them, first of all. Second, what would happen to the cats if LSU didn’t adopt them? They wouldn’t go back to the wild that’s for sure, and if LSU’s care is on par with a

Okay, so... they should stop taking tigers out of shit places to live in a far better place with expert care where they far outlive their previous lifespan?

So if these backyard shit pits exist—and if the LSU tiger care “program” is an objectively better care facility—then the university ought to be raked over the coals for its rescue efforts?

Can’t blame LSU for adopting tigers legally (non-AZA) which contributes to their veterinary program.

Once again, a cub may be collected and saved from the fate suffered by some of the animals at Animal House and Great Cats of Indiana. But will the remaining animals—the dozens left behind at the rescue facility—lead short lives full of suffering?

If they are born and raised in captivity, you cannot re-introduce them to wildlife. So yes, asshole, we know they are meant to live in the wild. thats not the point, the point of the article is where they came from, asshole

[extremely Member Berries voice] ‘member like 3 weeks ago when Deadspin implied that the previous owner of Mike VI in Indiana was better for the tiger than LSU because he said he watched TV with the tigers?

It’s always fun how we live in the information age and idiots still refuse to do any tiny bit of research before sounding like a moron. As if it were even hard to do, let alone think back.

There is a major disconnect between the shiteater grin of the driver and the terror of the people trying to gather up their kids who luckily escaped being run over. “My bad, my bad.”

Aaand this is why Evangelicals are supporting a thrice-married philanderer who, up until recently, supported abortion rights.

Yeah it’s not a difference of opinion to declare all muslims are terrorists or all Mexicans are rapists. That’s a matter of being a f***ing asshole. And the fact that a potential US President is saying that, is haunting.