
There’s a tiny little mention of it at checkout, under the price breakdown on the righthand side of the page.

There’s a tiny little mention of it at checkout, under the price breakdown on the righthand side of the page.

I blame the A4 2.0T (usually in black). It has become the de facto douche-mobile here in Eastern Canada. If you see one, the driver is likely a man in his late 20ies/early 30ies trying so hard to look like a “boss”. Might have moved on from an A3 or spawned as-is.

Now playing

I have an important business meeting to go to. *flips you off

Hey Josh, please go fuck yourself.

So many idiots pretending to not know what you mean. Sad

When the car is running 80k mile hard as a rock pep boys tires, you can assume they’re not trying to tune their aero to compensate for mid-corner oversteer issues.

I pretty much agree with what HamNo wants, but continue to disagree with his pitch of how to achieve it. Trying to make a moral argument, as we just saw in November, does not work!

I love the idea that if we tax billionaires we will lose their largesse. We would cut off the pearls that dribble from their lips down upon us mere mortals. Wither the art museums? Wither the ice rinks?

Kill yourself.

A lot of times, you hear stories about a professional athlete going broke, and you feel bad for them.

hey mate your troll detector must be broken.

30 year old Canadian here.

Married for almost a decade. Not so hard. Maybe because I didn’t rush into it until I was older. Two marriages dunzo by 32 is suggesting something.

But the criticism is almost unwarranted

But what kind of message would electing Hillary have sent to the Democratic Party? “We really don’t care how flawed your candidate is, how out of touch you are, we are going to vote for you anyways.” It would have been a country run by Clinton and Podesta and Wasserman-Schultz and the progressive wing of the party

E-4 with two combat tours. Tolerance is accepting others peoples opinions. Telling someone they voted “wrong” isn’t an opinion. It’s stupid. But if insulting someone on the internet gets your rocks off who am I to judge?

I don’t understand this mentality. If offered two bad choices, why do I have to choose? If there are other choices offered, why can’t I choose them?

As someone who fought for something I believed in (i.e. Freedom) kindly go fuck yourself. Any American can vote anyway they’d like.