
OK, but how much would Jez be freaking out if the roles and genders had been reversed?

Finance right now is 50% bullshit, 45% trying to hide who’s getting screwed by any given deal, and 5% actual, substantive, maybe-kinda-complicated analysis. Finance isn’t complicated. It’s really not. You: (1) find a way to value a bunch of apples; (2) find some way to make sure you’re comparing that apple to other

It’s not advanced, but certainly masturbatory considering it’s just a glorified home equity loan, at more than double the market rate for that product with the added bonus of unloading some of the potential upside of owning your house (and in an exponentially increasing amount relative to the home’s increased value).

It feels like “you just know nothing about finance” is the thing we always hear three weeks before finance bros fuck the economy all to hell.

Hamilton likes to play pretend economist/financial guru sometimes but anyone who knows anything can see right through him. Pay no mind.

It must be wonderful to go through life seeing everything you want to see. So comfy!

This is the Carolina Panthers of jokes. It sucks, but people still think its a winner.

Let’s get something out in the open here: both parties are just mouth pieces for the corporations trying to strong arm changes to pad bottom lines and pocketbooks.


Even though that one sold out, if you go onto the newer model, it’s $70 off:

Even though that one sold out, if you go onto the newer model, it’s $70 off:

If they’re going to shove a shitload of advertisements and product placement down my throat then yes, they damn well better not be charging me for it too.
But they are, and they would be, so, I didn’t watch any of it. At all.

The problem with this argument is that literally nobody thinks the people of North Korea are somehow “bad.” This isn’t some cultural misunderstanding, nobody’s sitting there going “Gee, man, I don’t know about those 5 year-old North Korean dirt farmers. They seem pretty sketchy.”

This is an even bigger worry for motorcyclists. It doesn’t need to be a ladder (seen it), but a bucket or a piece of loose pipe can put you on the ground at highway speeds.

Many think Edsels are ugly, but I don’t, and I like them............a lot!

AMC Eagle. I can’t say I find it attractive, yet I want it.

1958 Edsel Bermuda Station Wagon...hnnnnggggg

As a lifelong motorcyclist I can tell you its way worse than you think. People are flaming idiots when it comes to loading and tying things down. They have no concept of how little it takes to makes something fly out of or off their vehicle. I never follow a pickup or open top trailer of any kind, you are just asking