
Weirdly, when they came out with this new line, it was only the very cheapest one that took the SD card, which is why I went with it. (I mostly use it for streaming Dish, reading and the occasional game, and it works fine for me.)

Weirdly, when they came out with this new line, it was only the very cheapest one that took the SD card, which is

Agreed. Well said. Not seeing it too clearly on the arms, but the legs definitely have a telescopic nature to them.

You must have some reasonably sane drivers on your commute. If I tried leaving a gap that large between me and the next guy, 5-7 cars would immediately pass and merge into the space.

Finally, a car for all 12 of us who have a soft spot for mid 90s Pontiac styling.

Anyone who can’t learn those simple rules has no business carrying a gun. The end.

The Four Rules

Is your next review going to extol the virtues of lag switches and how they benefit your KDA in COD?

Seems to me they euthanized the wrong goddamn animal >:(

Seems weird an obese guy named “Skeeter” isn’t from Florida already...

I would bet big money that he’s on a fixed allowance with no cards because drugs. It’s the end of the month, so he’s blown however much his trustee gave him for July.

YES! We had one guy who would only sign his name using lowercase, saying that signified he was a man but not a person. All uppercase was the only legally binding signature that created joinder, according to him.

So after today will the notification go away? I installed Never10 and pretty much forgot about it until now

I recently upgraded and if I had waited to the last minute I would have been screwed. It took me about 2 full days to upgrade. My Win 7 wouldn’t connect to Windows Update service and I had to do all sorts of frustrating troubleshooting to get it to install 10.

Good. I can uninstall Never 10 without worrying about those damn pop ups after today.

Maybe the disadvantages of living in the South has nothing to do with the weather?

Except, you know, ITS FUCKING FLORIDA

Fuck that. If the bullfighter wins, he gets to keep living his life. This bull overcame all of the odds, so he should get to retire peacefully.

Wait, you’re saying if the bull wins it dies anyway? That’s a dick move

I’m thinking it’s more that Mark Hamill is rubbing off on her, and she's messing with us XD. He messes with fans on Twitter all the time. That man is a treasure.